Ok, a long time ago I created bob, which was a remote that hovered over the players head, and when it saw an enemy, either another player or actor, it faced it and shot at it rapidly. Now I'm attempting to recreate bob, but I'm a bit rusty, so I need help! Here's what I have:
When I use force grip, bob activates, and the ghost template is created above my head and assigned the remote model, but:
a.) the bob thing doesn't attatch to the player
b.) the bob thing doesn't face enemies and shoot them (I don't know if it's even searching)
I can activate and deactivate it all I want, but I'm afraid bob is useless for now Any insight as to what the problem is will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Those who stare in the eyes of death and laugh will be the first to go.
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # bob.COG # # bob the cog does his best to bring justice to those deserving a terrible terrible death that involves many pointy objects! # # # This Cog is Not supported by LucasArts Entertainment Co symbols model bobmod=remo.3do local thing bob local thing player local thing victim local sector playersector local sound bobshoot=ricochet03.wav local template bobtemp=ghost local template projectile1=+bryarbolt local flex bobon=0 local vector playerpos local vector bobpos local vector bobnewpos local vector victimnewpos local vector victimpos local message startup message activated message pulse end # ======================================================================================== code startup: player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); return; activated: if(bobon == 0) { playersector = GetThingSector(player); playerpos = GetThingPos(player); bobpos = VectorAdd(playerpos,'0 0 0.1'); bobon = 1; bob = CreateThingatPos(bobtemp,playersector,bobpos,'0 0 0'); SetThingModel(bob,bobmod); AttatchThingToThing(bob,player); SetPulse(.05); } else { DestroyThing(bob); SetPulse(0); bobon = 0; } return; pulse: victim = FirstThinginView(bob,360,6,0x404); while(victim != -1) { if(victim != player) { bobnewpos = GetThingPos(bob); victimnewpos = GetThingPos(victim); victimpos = VectorSub(bobnewpos,victimnewpos); SetThingLook(bob,victimpos); FireProjectile(bob,projectile1,bobshoot,8,'0 0 0','0 0 0',1.0,0,0,0); } } return; # ........................................................................................ end
When I use force grip, bob activates, and the ghost template is created above my head and assigned the remote model, but:
a.) the bob thing doesn't attatch to the player
b.) the bob thing doesn't face enemies and shoot them (I don't know if it's even searching)
I can activate and deactivate it all I want, but I'm afraid bob is useless for now Any insight as to what the problem is will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Those who stare in the eyes of death and laugh will be the first to go.
Those who stare in the eyes of death and laugh will be the first to go.