somewhere is bug.. can someone check this cog?:
i thing i should use
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # 00attack.cog # # Control qutscene. # # EH_AceCSF # This Cog is Not supported by LucasArts Entertainment Co symbols thing fr1 nolink thing fr2 nolink thing fr3 nolink thing fr4 nolink thing fr5 nolink thing Cruserarrive nolink thing hangar0 nolink thing hangar1 nolink thing hangar2 nolink thing hangar3 nolink thing Cruser Local thing camera1 thing camera2 thing camera3 thing shot local sound beep sound Hit sound fire=turret-1.wav sound alarm message startup int attack=0 local template projectile2=+concbullet local template Lighting template Xwing template ATR template Cruser Thing Xwing0 local Thing Xwing1 local Thing Xwing2 local Thing Xwing3 local Thing Xwing4 local Thing Xwing5 local Thing Xwing6 local Thing Xwing7 local Thing Tech int old_camera local Thing player local int active=0 local end # ======================================================================================== code startup: player=jkGetLocalPlayer(); SetActorFlags(player, 0xa00000); old_camera = GetCurrentCamera(); SetCurrentCamera(0); SetCameraFocus(0, camera1); stopthing(player); sleep(1); movetoframe(camera1, 1, 30); movetoframe(fr1, 1, 15); movetoframe(fr2, 1, 15); movetoframe(fr3, 1, 15); movetoframe(fr4, 1, 15); movetoframe(fr5, 1, 15); Print("123-43-25 somewhere in deep space"); sleep(10); stopthing(camera1); Cruser=CreateThing(Cruser, Cruserarrive); SetCameraFocus(0, camera3); sleep(0.5); AISetMoveSpeed(Tech, 1); AISetLookFrame(Tech, 1); AISetMoveFrame(Tech, 1); Print("Rebels! Call for aid!"); sleep(1); Print("Sir! They jammed our communication!"); sleep(4); SetCameraFocus(0, camera2); Xwing0=CreateThing(Xwing, hangar0); Xwing1=CreateThing(Xwing, hangar1); Xwing2=CreateThing(Xwing, hangar2); Xwing3=CreateThing(Xwing, hangar3); Movetoframe(Xwing0, 1, 10); Movetoframe(Xwing1, 1, 10); Movetoframe(Xwing2, 1, 10); Movetoframe(Xwing3, 1, 10); sleep(2); Xwing4=CreateThing(Xwing, hangar0); Xwing5=CreateThing(Xwing, hangar1); Xwing6=CreateThing(Xwing, hangar2); Xwing7=CreateThing(Xwing, hangar3); Movetoframe(Xwing4, 1, 10); Movetoframe(Xwing5, 1, 10); Movetoframe(Xwing6, 1, 10); Movetoframe(Xwing7, 1, 10); waitforstop(xwing0); Movetoframe(Xwing0, 2, 10); Movetoframe(Xwing1, 2, 10); Movetoframe(Xwing2, 2, 10); Movetoframe(Xwing3, 2, 10); Movetoframe(Xwing4, 2, 10); Movetoframe(Xwing5, 2, 10); Movetoframe(Xwing6, 2, 10); Movetoframe(Xwing7, 2, 10); SetCameraFocus(0, Xwing7); sleep(6); Print("Attention Rebel fleet! We surrender..."); stopthing(fr1); stopthing(fr2); stopthing(fr3); stopthing(fr4); stopthing(fr5); sleep(4); Print("Prepare to be boarded."); sleep(2); Print("Undestand.."); SetCameraFocus(0, camera3); sleep(2); Print("Sir! What are you doing?!"); sleep(2); Print("They will pay for this attack.. prepare stormtroops to defend main docking bay."); sleep(2); Print("Hmm.. i dont thing that is good idea, they will have jedi on board.."); sleep(2); Print("Just complete order Technican.."); sleep(2); Print("Undestand"); AISetMoveSpeed(Tech, 1); AISetLookFrame(Tech, 0); AISetMoveFrame(Tech, 0); sleep(2); ClearActorFlags(player, 0xa00000); SetCameraFocus(0, player); SetCurrentCamera(old_camera); Return; end
i thing i should use
verb in someplaces.. FOR