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ForumsCog Forum → A musical COG!
A musical COG!
2003-02-21, 12:49 PM #1
Ever heard of a Module? Meaning a Music file? I had this crazy idea of a COG acting like a Module file. I've done it ONCE before and it sounded smeg! Do you know why? Because I couldn't quite get the right pitch in ChangeSoundPitch. I can see that the pitch is some kind of PerCent value. All I need help with is How many PerCent is it from note to note? Anyone with excelent pitch experience? I know that some of you don't ONLY do JK or JO.
If you feel that I'm posting this in the wrong forum do tell me and tell me where to post it!

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2003-02-21, 4:13 PM #2
I don't think that verb can make notes lower.

As far as I can tell.
2003-02-21, 4:21 PM #3
Cog = JK, script = JO. Now that that's out of that way, lets get on to buisness. That verb changes the sound of the pitch to the ammount imputed because it doesn't add to it, ie it's like SetInv(), unlike ChangeInv(). So the lower to 0 ya go, the lower the pitch, 1 = normal, higher means higher pitch. Comprende?

The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions

The Magician Saber System.
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2003-02-21, 7:25 PM #4
And you've got to play the sound first to change the pitch too.

Oh, and record a C note and do some trial and error. Set up two hotkeys to increase/decrease pitch and have a pitch pipe handy. ;D

-Hell Raiser
Remember kiddies, trial and error.
Without struggles there is no progress
DBZ: The Destruction is Real

[This message has been edited by Hell Raiser (edited February 21, 2003).]
-Hell Raiser
2003-02-22, 12:10 AM #5
A problem: The tune ladder is not linear.

"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)
2003-02-22, 12:42 AM #6
Hell Raiser, I'll try your suggestion! You know, I need no pitch pipe, I've got a whole Synth!
And I know that I've got to have some kind of sound first. If it is a piano then I use this each time I add a new "key":
But it is no problem when I have a looping sound like an organ, then all I have to do is Play it once with a loop and then just continue with the Pitch.
By the way! I got it very close once when I thought that the space between notes was 0.05. But I think I should now use Synth and switches (switches to start/stop sound, pitch up & pitch down).

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2003-02-22, 7:18 AM #7
I've got it cleard up. I have a "test" GOB containing 2 levels! Tuning fork AND a song.
It might be a little off here and there. Please feel free to open it up and examin it!
Here is a list of the different notes:
C-1	1.00
C#1	1.05
D-1	1.12
D#1	1.19
E-1	1.25
F-1	1.33
F#1	1.40
G-1	1.49
G#1	1.58
A-1	1.66
A#1	1.78
B-1	1.88
C-2	2.00


[This message has been edited by Edward (edited February 22, 2003).]
Edward's Cognative Hazards

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