I would like it if you could have a look at a code for me and tell me why my Ugnaut won't stand up once I StopKey!
He sings, the t8 comes and says WORK! Then the Ugnaut is supposed to get up and say OK... and walk off. Now the OK is fine, the moving to the door is fine, but the Ugnaut remains sitting. This really becomes a problem for when he comes in another door. To see him slide in on his butt doesn't really give the level good quallity.
The template:
# DESC: Ugnaut Sitting
# BBOX: -.035186 -.01745 -.100835 .035171 .022972 .063971
ug2sit _civilian thingflags=0x20000400 model3d=u2altx.3do puppet=ky.pup size=0.064000 movesize=0.064000 soundclass=ug.snd cog=actor_ug.cog mass=60.000000 maxvel=0.400000 health=1000.00 maxthrust=0.50 maxrotthrust=60.00 aiclass=peddefault.ai
and the ky.pup:
I would like it if you could have a look at a code for me and tell me why my Ugnaut won't stand up once I StopKey!
# Ugnaut reads and sings # # By Edward symbols message startup thing ug thing t8 keyframe sit thing lights thing camera thing door thing officer thing door2 thing droid2 sound UgSing sound t8GetToWork sound UgOK int inturupt=1 local model book model normal end # code startup: ThingLight(lights,0,0.01); SetThingModel(ug,book); PlayKey(ug,sit,1,0x000); SetActorFlags(GetLocalPlayerThing(),0xA00000); SetCurrentCamera(0); SetCameraFocus(0,camera); sleep(2); ThingLight(lights,0.25,3); MoveToFrame(camera,1,1); PlaySoundLocal(UgSing,1,0,0xC0); sleep(GetSoundLen(UgSing)+1); inturupt=PlaySoundLocal(UgSing,1,0,0xC0); sleep(3); StopSound(inturupt,1); MoveToFrame(door,1,8); ThingLight(lights,5,1); WaitForStop(door); PlaySoundLocal(t8GetToWork,1,0,0xC0); Print("t8: Ugnaut 4145, you have work to do at sector 1414."); sleep(Getsoundlen(t8GetToWork)); StopKey(ug,sit,0.1); PlaySoundLocal(UgOK,1,0,0xc0); SetThingModel(ug,normal); Print("Uggy: OK..."); sleep(GetSoundLen(UgOK)); AISetLookPos(ug,GetThingPos(GetLocalPlayerThing())); AISetMovePos(ug,GetThingPos(GetLocalPlayerThing())); sleep(2); AISetMovePos(ug,GetThingPos(camera)); AISetMovePos(t8,GetThingPos(officer)); SetCameraFocus(0,GetLocalPlayerThing()); ClearActorFlags(GetLocalPlayerThing(),0xA00000); MoveToFrame(door,0,8); sleep(1); MoveToFrame(door2,1,8); WaitForStop(door2); AISetMoveFrame(droid2,1); AISetLookPos(droid2,GetThingPos(officer)); sleep(2); AISetMoveFrame(droid2,2); sleep(1); MoveToFrame(door2,0,8); return; end
He sings, the t8 comes and says WORK! Then the Ugnaut is supposed to get up and say OK... and walk off. Now the OK is fine, the moving to the door is fine, but the Ugnaut remains sitting. This really becomes a problem for when he comes in another door. To see him slide in on his butt doesn't really give the level good quallity.
The template:
# DESC: Ugnaut Sitting
# BBOX: -.035186 -.01745 -.100835 .035171 .022972 .063971
ug2sit _civilian thingflags=0x20000400 model3d=u2altx.3do puppet=ky.pup size=0.064000 movesize=0.064000 soundclass=ug.snd cog=actor_ug.cog mass=60.000000 maxvel=0.400000 health=1000.00 maxthrust=0.50 maxrotthrust=60.00 aiclass=peddefault.ai
and the ky.pup:
# puppet control file for ugnaut Mode=0 stand ugidle.key 0x00 0 0 # 0 = Standing walk ugwalk.key 0x01 2 2 # 1 = Walking run ugrun.key 0x01 2 2 # 2 = Running walkback ugwalk.key 0x01 2 2 # 3 = walk backwards strafeleft ugwalk.key 0x01 2 2 # 4 = strafe left straferight ugwalk.key 0x01 2 2 # 5 = strafe right death ugdie.key 0x14 5 5 # 6 = death 1 death2 ugdie.key 0x14 5 5 # 7 = death 2 fire ughita.key 0x28 1 3 # fire2 ughitb.key 0x28 1 3 # hit ughit.key 0x28 1 4 # 9 = hit rising ugfall.key 0x00 2 2 # 10 = jump drop ugfall.key 0x00 2 2 # 11 = drop fall ugfall.key 0x00 2 2 # 12 = fall activate uguse.key 0x28 1 3 # Mode=1, basedon=0 Mode=3, basedon=0 stand ugfall.key 0x00 0 0 walk ugfall.key 0x00 2 2 run ugfall.key 0x00 2 2 walkback ugfall.key 0x00 2 2 strafeleft ugfall.key 0x00 2 2 straferight ugfall.key 0x00 2 2 rising ugfall.key 0x00 2 2 Mode=4, basedon=3