I'm trying to make an intro COG. I think I've done it right. The COG writer says nothings wrong with it. And I see no gliches. So what's wrong?
Now there is another COG that has the Startup message that converts the player into an Ugnaut, but I don't think that one is the problem.
I'm trying to make an intro COG. I think I've done it right. The COG writer says nothings wrong with it. And I see no gliches. So what's wrong?
# Ugnaut reads and sings # # By Edward symbols message startup thing ug thing 8t keyframe sit keyframe walk keyframe stand thing lights thing camera thing door thing officer thing door2 thing droid2 sound UgSing sound 8tGetToWork sound UgOK int inturupt=1 local end # code startup: ThingLight(lights,0,0.01); PlayKey(ug,sit,1,0x000); SetActorFlags(GetLocalPlayerThing(),0xA00000); SetCurrentCamera(0); SetCameraFocus(0,camera); sleep(2); ThingLight(lights,1,3); MoveToFrame(camera,1,1); PlaySoundLocal(UgSing,1,0,0xC0); sleep(GetSoundLen(UgSing)+1); inturupt=PlaySoundLocal(UgSing,1,0,0xC0); sleep(3); StopSound(inturupt,1); MoveToFrame(door,1,8); WaitForStop(door); ThingLight(lights,3,1); PlaySoundLocal(8tGetToWork,1,0,0xC0); Print("8t: Ugnaut 4145, you have work to do at sector 1414."); sleep(Getsoundlen(8tGetToWork)); PlayKey(ug,stand,1,0x000); PlaySoundLocal(UgOK,1,0,0xc0); Print("Uggy: OK..."); sleep(GetSoundLen(UgOK)); AISetLookPos(ug,GetThingPos(GetLocalPlayerThing())); AISetMovePos(ug,GetThingPos(GetLocalPlayerThing())); PlayKey(ug,walk,1,0x000); sleep(2); DestroyThing(ug); AISetMovePos(8t,GetThingPos(officer)); SetCameraFocus(0,GetLocalPlayerThing); MoveToFrame(door,0,8); sleep(1); MoveToFrame(door2,1,8); WaitForStop(door2); AISetMoveFrame(droid2,1); sleep(2); AISetMoveFrame(droid2,2); sleep(1); MoveToFrame(door2,0,8); ClearActorFlags(GetLocalPlayerThing(),0xA00000); return; end
Now there is another COG that has the Startup message that converts the player into an Ugnaut, but I don't think that one is the problem.