OK, I'm making a new type of detonator without replacing the other one in JK.
I've got everything working except for this. The cog won't activate because of this part of the cog (it will be selected and show the weapon models, it just won't activate)
but if I change 'SetCurWeapon(player, 116);' to 'SetCurWeapon(player, 4);' it will work fine except it will throw a regular thermal detonator instead of the new one I made.
Does anyone see something wrong with this? Can weapons only have certain bins? And yes, I have it defined in the items.dat file.
Last week I cudn't evn spel grajuat, but now I is one.
*Takes out his blaster and fires shots at the wall, the blastmarks leave the words "STROOPER WUZ 'ERE!!!"
I've got everything working except for this. The cog won't activate because of this part of the cog (it will be selected and show the weapon models, it just won't activate)
selected: player = GetSourceRef(); Print("selected"); jkSetWaggle(player, '10.0 7.0 0.0', 350); // Play external mounting animation PlayMode(player, 40); // Setup the meshes and models. jkSetPOVModel(player, povModel); SetArmedMode(player, 0); jkSetWeaponMesh(player, weaponMesh); // Play the animation (NOLOOP + UNIQUE + ENDPAUSE). // The animation is held at the last frame after it is played. selectTrack = jkPlayPOVKey(player, mountAnim, 0, 0x14); SetMountWait(player, GetKeyLen(mountAnim)); // Clear Lightsaber flag, and enable activation messages. jkClearFlags(player, 0x5); SetCurWeapon(player, 116); SetMountWait(player, GetKeyLen(mountAnim)); Return;
but if I change 'SetCurWeapon(player, 116);' to 'SetCurWeapon(player, 4);' it will work fine except it will throw a regular thermal detonator instead of the new one I made.
Does anyone see something wrong with this? Can weapons only have certain bins? And yes, I have it defined in the items.dat file.
Last week I cudn't evn spel grajuat, but now I is one.
*Takes out his blaster and fires shots at the wall, the blastmarks leave the words "STROOPER WUZ 'ERE!!!"