ok i have modified the breaking glass cog and its not working. I want the pane of glass to break if it is damaged or if two other panes of glass and get broken. The only problem is, is my cog does nothing so find my mistakes someone.
roses are red, violets are blue, I am schizophrenic, and so am I!
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # 00_BREAKINGGLASS.COG # # Generic breaking glass script to be linked to both sides # of a breakable glass pane. # # Note: the template used is shard00, NOT shard0 ! # # [YB] # # (C) 1997 LucasArts Entertainment Co. All Rights Reserved symbols surface glass mask=0x448 desc=glass surface glass2 mask=0x448 desc=glass_adjoin surface adj1 surface adj2 int spawnpoints=2 desc=spawn_points int density=5 desc=density vector surface_center local int surface_sector local int surface_vertices local vector vertex local vector where local int i local int j local int k local int a_shard local int dummy local int modeflag local int modeflag2 local template shard_tpl=shard00 local sound glass_break=GlassBreak1.WAV local message startup message damaged message pulse end code startup: setpulse(.1); return; damaged: Print("Ouch I've been damaged!"); // Add 10 cm along the normal to solve some rounding error or non planar face... surface_center = VectorAdd(SurfaceCenter(GetSenderRef()), VectorScale(GetSurfaceNormal(GetSenderRef()), 0.01)); surface_sector = GetSurfaceSector(GetSenderRef()); surface_vertices = GetNumSurfaceVertices(GetSenderRef()); dummy = PlaySoundPos(glass_break, surface_center, 1.0, 10.0, 20.0, 0); // First spawn 'density' shards with random velocities at the center of the face. for(k=0; k<density; k=k+1) { a_shard = CreateThingAtPos(shard_tpl, surface_sector, surface_center, '0.0 0.0 0.0'); SetThingVel(a_shard, VectorSet( 1.4*(Rand()-0.5), 1.4*(Rand()-0.5), 1.4*(Rand()-0.5) + 0.75 )); SetThingRotVel(a_shard, VectorSet(500*(Rand()-0.5), 500*(Rand()-0.5), 500*(Rand()-0.5) )); } // Then spawn 'density' shards with random velocities at 'spawnpoints' points // between the center of the face and the face's vertices. for(i=0; i<surface_vertices; i=i+1) { vertex = GetSurfaceVertexPos(glass, i); for(j=1; j<=spawnpoints; j=j+1) { where = VectorAdd(surface_center, VectorScale(VectorSub(surface_center, vertex), j/(spawnpoints+1)) ); for(k=0; k<density; k=k+1) { a_shard = CreateThingAtPos(shard_tpl, surface_sector, where, '0.0 0.0 0.0'); SetThingVel(a_shard, VectorSet( 1.4*(Rand()-0.5), 1.4*(Rand()-0.5), 1.4*(Rand()-0.5) + 0.75 )); SetThingRotVel(a_shard, VectorSet(500*(Rand()-0.5), 500*(Rand()-0.5), 500*(Rand()-0.5) )); } } } SetFaceGeoMode(glass, 0); // GEOMETRY_NONE SetFaceGeoMode(glass2, 0); SetAdjoinFlags(glass, 2); // Set ADJOIN_MOVE (allow passage) SetAdjoinFlags(glass2, 2); Return; pulse: modeflag = GetFaceGeoMode(adj1); modeflag2 = GetFaceGeoMode(adj2); if(modeflag & modeflag2 = 0) { Print("Destroying"); call damaged; } else { Print("Not this time!"); } return; end
roses are red, violets are blue, I am schizophrenic, and so am I!
roses are red, violets are blue, I am schizophrenic, and I am too!