i have made some remote mines and for some reason whenever i start the game it crashes, i don't know if it is my cogs or if i messed flags up or what it is so i am gonna post everything here for you guys to look at.
here is the lines i changed from my items.dat:
those are the only two lines i changed
now for my template for the mine:
i do have all the bases above the template so thats not a prob.
here are my cogs:
this is the class cog:
here is my detonator code:
what is supposed to happen is when the mine is created(using the original cog only slightly modified) it will sit there until the until the detonator blows it only problem is there must be a game crashing mistake in my stuff here.
roses are red, violets are blue, I am schizophrenic, and so am I!
here is the lines i changed from my items.dat:
remote_mine 8 0 30 0x0a4 cog=weap_remmine.cog detonator 42 1 1 0x122 cog=item_detonator.cog
those are the only two lines i changed
now for my template for the mine:
+seqchrg +grenade2 timer=1.000000 model3d=seq0.3do size=0.010000 movesize=0.010000 soundclass=seq.snd surfdrag=5.000000 airdrag=1.000000 physflags=0x29d vel=(0.000000/0.100000/0.000000) angvel=(0.000000/0.000000/0.000000) buoyancy=0.150000 explode=+sequencer_exp fleshhit=+sequencer_exp typeflags=0x40380 +remmine +seqchrg thingflags=0x20000400 timer=60.000003
i do have all the bases above the template so thats not a prob.
here are my cogs:
this is the class cog:
symbols template explosion=+sequencer_exp local thing mine local message created message trigger end # ======================================================================================== code created: mine = GetSenderRef(); SetTimerEx(2.0, GetSenderRef(), GetThingSignature(GetSenderRef()), 0); Return; trigger: If(GetSourceRef()==98)FireProjectile(mine, explosion, -1, 16, '0 0.05 0.00', '0 0 0', 1.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0); Return; end
here is my detonator code:
symbols thing player message activated message deactivated end # ======================================================================================== code activated: SendTrigger(-1,98,0,0,0,0); return; deactivated: SendTrigger(-1,98,0,0,0,0); return; end
what is supposed to happen is when the mine is created(using the original cog only slightly modified) it will sit there until the until the detonator blows it only problem is there must be a game crashing mistake in my stuff here.
roses are red, violets are blue, I am schizophrenic, and so am I!
roses are red, violets are blue, I am schizophrenic, and I am too!