it has been a while and no one posted any cogs, i realise you may be working on them or more lightly you may have forgoten.
Please i need thease cogs, or at least some of them.
i have spent lots of time getting this to sound perfect, so please do not coment on my bad useage of english.
i am in dire need of the following cogs, if any one any where here knows how to do thease and would make me the cogs i need i would be very gratefull, plus i would credit you in our level readme, if possible in the actual level but i am not shure thats possible. (i would wish taht any one who revese enganires this level be able to sue them too, if you do not want this please say.
ok, first i am in need of a cog that will fly a ship thru four frames, then move it back to the first frame instantly, like it starts at a tunnel, flys out to a docking bay, then heads to some place thru the streets then after it gets tehre heads into another tunnels and then instantly jumps back to the start.
second, (and this is the most inportaint any ideas are welcome if his is not entirely posible). i we a cog that when you enter one of six room will; Change the player to another, (liek from kyle to red or yellow in CTF), shut the door behind so other players may not take your idenity, then telliport you into the game (ones again mutch like CTF), and if possible would give you a particular array of weapons, then change your spawn points(like if you chose a team in CTF), and finaly if you leave the game would open the door so another may take your charicter.
thirdly a cog that would change your spawn point depending on if you have crossed a ajoin or not, thus that you may not be sent further ahead in teh level or further back, i would wish that it would work for seviral dosen ajoins.
four, a seqenser mine trap, it would drop the seqensermines when you press the switch, and then when you hit another switch would let you see the room, when you hit spacebar o exit the camra it would detonate them and show you them blow up before placeing you back in your body.
five if possible a cog hat would let you drive a shuttle and enable you to fly it in all three directions, mutch liek the cog of SG_fan's but less buggy, i do not know if this exists.
six, a ccog that would when you activate a partiular switch paly a wanting to every one in the gmae withn a radius of 20JKU telling them that the shuttle was about to leave, then after a time it would open some hangar doors, fly the shutte out of the hangar, with you and any one else on board, thru three frames, pauseing in eatch, then into a new hangar, thurn the shuttle around, and let you out of a door, if the switch was activated at the either end it would do this, and so you may fly bettween two places taht are other wise unreachable. the problem is that if you are killed on the shuttle i woudl like the player to respawn in teh shuttle, or at least at the hangar it flew from.
seven, i would like a cog that when a player enters a sector it would open the hanger doors ont the roof, and fly seviral ships out. If possible i wish that it would print "look what #the palyer that enterd the sector# did" and show everyone in the game a view from the camra in the game.
eight, a cog that would let you chose a turret cam(either lie in MotS by pressing buttons or by choseing a particular switch), and when you presses a key would fire the turret(s), thus anbleing you to kill from afar, and would atribute any kills to you if possible.
nine, i wisht to be able to make time pass in my level, thus i would like it so that i may animate my sky to day and night, if i can paly the same frames back and forwards, or just have twice as meany frames it is ok, i am wishing that it would happen every half hour, and a warning may be diplayed on all players screens so they may notice it!
i have said this how i meen it, nicely, if you do not find it nice please undersatnd that i meen no rudeness by it and that i would like you to know this.
I am pjb.
Another post......
another moment of my life wasted.....
Please i need thease cogs, or at least some of them.
i have spent lots of time getting this to sound perfect, so please do not coment on my bad useage of english.
i am in dire need of the following cogs, if any one any where here knows how to do thease and would make me the cogs i need i would be very gratefull, plus i would credit you in our level readme, if possible in the actual level but i am not shure thats possible. (i would wish taht any one who revese enganires this level be able to sue them too, if you do not want this please say.
ok, first i am in need of a cog that will fly a ship thru four frames, then move it back to the first frame instantly, like it starts at a tunnel, flys out to a docking bay, then heads to some place thru the streets then after it gets tehre heads into another tunnels and then instantly jumps back to the start.
second, (and this is the most inportaint any ideas are welcome if his is not entirely posible). i we a cog that when you enter one of six room will; Change the player to another, (liek from kyle to red or yellow in CTF), shut the door behind so other players may not take your idenity, then telliport you into the game (ones again mutch like CTF), and if possible would give you a particular array of weapons, then change your spawn points(like if you chose a team in CTF), and finaly if you leave the game would open the door so another may take your charicter.
thirdly a cog that would change your spawn point depending on if you have crossed a ajoin or not, thus that you may not be sent further ahead in teh level or further back, i would wish that it would work for seviral dosen ajoins.
four, a seqenser mine trap, it would drop the seqensermines when you press the switch, and then when you hit another switch would let you see the room, when you hit spacebar o exit the camra it would detonate them and show you them blow up before placeing you back in your body.
five if possible a cog hat would let you drive a shuttle and enable you to fly it in all three directions, mutch liek the cog of SG_fan's but less buggy, i do not know if this exists.
six, a ccog that would when you activate a partiular switch paly a wanting to every one in the gmae withn a radius of 20JKU telling them that the shuttle was about to leave, then after a time it would open some hangar doors, fly the shutte out of the hangar, with you and any one else on board, thru three frames, pauseing in eatch, then into a new hangar, thurn the shuttle around, and let you out of a door, if the switch was activated at the either end it would do this, and so you may fly bettween two places taht are other wise unreachable. the problem is that if you are killed on the shuttle i woudl like the player to respawn in teh shuttle, or at least at the hangar it flew from.
seven, i would like a cog that when a player enters a sector it would open the hanger doors ont the roof, and fly seviral ships out. If possible i wish that it would print "look what #the palyer that enterd the sector# did" and show everyone in the game a view from the camra in the game.
eight, a cog that would let you chose a turret cam(either lie in MotS by pressing buttons or by choseing a particular switch), and when you presses a key would fire the turret(s), thus anbleing you to kill from afar, and would atribute any kills to you if possible.
nine, i wisht to be able to make time pass in my level, thus i would like it so that i may animate my sky to day and night, if i can paly the same frames back and forwards, or just have twice as meany frames it is ok, i am wishing that it would happen every half hour, and a warning may be diplayed on all players screens so they may notice it!
i have said this how i meen it, nicely, if you do not find it nice please undersatnd that i meen no rudeness by it and that i would like you to know this.
I am pjb.
Another post......
another moment of my life wasted.....
I am Darth PJB!
well, go on, run away!
i have a plastic lightsaber and a jedi cape.. am i a nerd?
If gravity is a crule mistress, and bar tenders with bad grammar are untrustworthy, what is air?
well, go on, run away!
i have a plastic lightsaber and a jedi cape.. am i a nerd?
If gravity is a crule mistress, and bar tenders with bad grammar are untrustworthy, what is air?