with an advanced question.
Requirements - This one is not for the simple cogger, you must be familiar and crafty with the use of sounds.
Background - I'm creating a sniper rifle cog for my mods and System Overrides' mod. This is totally different then what you've seen before because of certain characteristics, and you're going to help me with one.
The problem/question - to cancel out all of the sounds that the ghost fired would hear and play the sounds that the player would normally hear, so that the user will be able to hear them as if the user was the player, not the scope's ghost (perferably local).
The cog so far (inc right now, but scope can be tested).
The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions
The Magician Saber System.
[This message has been edited by Descent_pilot (edited April 23, 2003).]
Requirements - This one is not for the simple cogger, you must be familiar and crafty with the use of sounds.
Background - I'm creating a sniper rifle cog for my mods and System Overrides' mod. This is totally different then what you've seen before because of certain characteristics, and you're going to help me with one.
The problem/question - to cancel out all of the sounds that the ghost fired would hear and play the sounds that the player would normally hear, so that the user will be able to hear them as if the user was the player, not the scope's ghost (perferably local).
The cog so far (inc right now, but scope can be tested).
All ideas are welcome.# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # WEAP_CONCRIFLE.COG # # WEAPON 9 Script - Sniper Rifle # # Sniper Rifle # # - Not affected by MagSealed sectors/surfaces. # # [DP] # symbols model povModel=conv.3do local model weaponMesh=cong.3do local keyframe mountAnim=ConVmnt.key local keyframe dismountAnim=ConVdis.key local keyframe povfireAnim=ConVpst1.key local keyframe holsterAnim=kyhlstr.key local sound mountSound=df_rif_ready.wav local sound dismountSound=PutWeaponAway01.wav local sound fireSound=srfire.wav local sound outSound=concuss1.wav local sound zoomSound=scope.wav local flex fireWait=1.5 local flex powerBoost local flex autoAimFOV=30 local flex autoAimMaxDist=5 local flex holsterWait local int dummy local template projectile=+concbullet local template camera=+zoom local thing player local int trackID=-1 local int mode local int holsterTrack local int selectMode=1 local flex mag=0.25 local flex zoom=0 local flex temp local int reloading=0 local int moving=0 local int count=0 local int scope=-1 local int oldCam local int on=0 local int zoomChannel=-1 local vector tempVec local vector zoomVec local message activated message deactivated message selected message deselected message autoselect message user1 message timer message pulse end # ======================================================================================== code User1: If(reloading) Return; // Check that the player is still alive. If(GetThingHealth(player) <= 0) Return; // Check Ammo - If we are out, autoselect best weapon. If(GetInv(player, 12) < 1) { PlaySoundThing(outSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80); if(GetAutoSwitch() & 1) SelectWeapon(player, AutoSelectWeapon(player, 1)); Return; } SetPOVShake('0 -.03 0', '4 0 0', .05, 80); FireProjectile(player, projectile, fireSound, 8, '0.02 0.15 0.0', '0 0 0', 1.0, 0x20, autoAimFOV, autoAimMaxDist); ChangeInv(player, 12, -1); reloading = 1; jkPlayPOVKey(player, povfireAnim, 1, 0x38); // Provide a kick backwards ApplyForce(player, VectorScale(GetThingLVec(player), -80)); powerBoost = GetInv(player, 63); SetTimerEx(fireWait/powerBoost, 1, 0, 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ Activated: player = GetSourceRef(); mode = GetSenderRef(); If(!on) { oldCam = GetCurrentCamera(); If(mode == 1) mag = 5; } jkSetWaggle(player, '0 0 0', 0); zoomChannel = PlaySoundLocal(zoomSound, 1, 0, 0x1); count = 0; moving = 1; on = 1; zoom = .5 - mode; SetPulse(0.01); Return; # ........................................................................................ Deactivated: player = GetSourceRef(); mode = GetSenderRef(); jkSetWaggle(player, '10 7 0', 350); moving = 0; If(zoomChannel != -1) { StopSound(zoomChannel, 0); zoomChannel = -1; } If(count <= 2) // If the zoom keys are tapped { If(mode == 1) { If(mag < 5) call scope_off; Else mag = 2.5; } Else { If(mag < 2.5) mag = 2.5; Else If(mag < 5) mag = 5; Else call scope_off; } } Return; # ........................................................................................ Selected: player = GetSourceRef(); // Play external mounting animation PlayMode(player, 41); // Setup the meshes and models. jkSetPOVModel(player, povModel); SetArmedMode(player, 1); jkSetWeaponMesh(player, weaponMesh); jkSetWaggle(player, '10.0 7.0 0.0', 350); // Play mounting sound. PlaySoundThing(mountSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); // Play the animation (NOLOOP + UNIQUE + ENDPAUSE). // The animation is held at the last frame after it is played. trackID = jkPlayPOVKey(player, mountAnim, 0, 20); SetMountWait(player, GetKeyLen(mountAnim)); // Clear saber flags, and allow activation of the weapon jkClearFlags(player, 0x5); SetCurWeapon(player, 9); // Check Ammo - If we are out, autoselect best weapon. If(GetInv(player, 12) < 2) { PlaySoundThing(outSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80); if(GetAutoSwitch() & 1) SelectWeapon(player, AutoSelectWeapon(player, 1)); } mag = 0.25; If(reloading) SetTimerEx(fireWait/powerBoost, 1, 0, 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ Deselected: player = GetSourceRef(); If(on) call scope_off; If(reloading) KillTimerEx(1); PlaySoundThing(dismountSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80); jkPlayPOVKey(player, dismountAnim, 0, 18); holsterWait = GetKeyLen(holsterAnim); SetMountWait(player, holsterWait); holsterTrack = PlayKey(player, holsterAnim, 1, 0x4); SetTimerEx(holsterWait, 2, 0.0, 0.0); If (trackID != -1) { jkStopPOVKey(player, trackID, 0); trackID = -1; } jkSetWaggle(player, '0.0 0.0 0.0', 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ //newplayer: // player = GetSourceRef(); // // // Make sure that if the player is respawning, the old mount isn't playing anymore. // if (trackID != -1) // jkStopPOVKey(player, trackID, 0); // // Return; # ........................................................................................ Autoselect: selectMode = GetSenderRef(); player = GetSourceRef(); // If the player has the weapon if(GetInv(player, 9) != 0.0) { // If the player has ammo if(GetInv(player, 12) > 7.0) { // query for ammo if(selectMode == -1) { ReturnEx(1000.0); Return; } if((selectMode == 0) && !(GetAutoPickup() & 2)) { ReturnEx(1000.0); Return; } if((selectMode == 1) && !(GetAutoSwitch() & 2)) { ReturnEx(1000.0); Return; } if((selectMode == 2) && !(GetAutoPickup() & 2)) { ReturnEx(1000.0); Return; } ReturnEx(-2.0); Return; } else { ReturnEx(-1.0); } } else { ReturnEx(-1.0); } Return; # ........................................................................................ Timer: If(GetSenderID() == 1) { reloading = 0; Return; } StopKey(player, holsterTrack, 0.0); Return; # ........................................................................................ Scope_off: If(zoomChannel != -1) { StopSound(zoomChannel, 0); zoomChannel = -1; } SetPulse(0); mag = 0.25; on = 0; SetCameraFocus(0, player); If(oldCam) CycleCamera(); Return; #......................................................................................... Pulse: If(GetThingHealth(player) <= 0) { call scope_off; Return; } If(GetCurrentCamera()) CycleCamera(); If(moving) { mag = mag + zoom * count * 0.005; If(mag > 5) mag = 5; If(mag < .25) mag = .25; count = count + 1; } zoomVec = VectorSet(0, mag, 0.037); If(mag <= 0.25 && zoom < 0) { call scope_off; Return; } scope = FireProjectile(player, camera, -1, -1, zoomVec, '0 0 0', 1, 0, 0, 0); temp = mag; // This is to see if the scope thing is on the direct straight ahead line from the player // The reason is that the scope slides one way or another when the mag gets too great While(VectorSub(GetThingPos(scope), GetThingPos(player)) != GetThingLVec(player)) { temp = temp - .005; zoomVec = VectorSet(0, temp, 0.037); DestroyThing(scope); scope = FireProjectile(player, camera, -1, -1, zoomVec, '0 0 0', 1, 0, 0, 0); } tempVec = VectorAdd(GetThingPos(scope), VectorScale(VectorNorm(GetThingLVec(scope)), -0.1)); SetThingPos(scope, tempVec); SetCameraFocus(0, scope); Return; end
The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions
The Magician Saber System.
[This message has been edited by Descent_pilot (edited April 23, 2003).]
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms
Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms
Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack