ok here it is, took me a while because i had to test it and add a few things.
basically what it does is this. when the level starts it sets three timers. when one of the timers go off the cog then goes through all the surfaces looking for sky flags. when it finds one it gets the vector at the center of the surface and the sector it is in. it then takes the vector and randomizes its X and Y values. once it has that it checks to see if the new vector is within range of the player, if it is it makes a thing using CreateThingAtPos. once it is done with all the sky surfaces it sets the timer randomly and the whole thing starts over. i added comments to it so you can read through it to see what its doing and when.
these are the params you need to mess with.
flex x_maxr=1.0
flex y_maxr=1.0
template rain_tpl=+repeaterball
flex p=0.0
flex y=0.0
flex maxrain_delay=0.5
int rain_drips=3
flex range=3.0
the top two help to make the rain fall in a more spred out pattern. it has to be geater than 1.
'rain_tpl' is the rain template. (duh)
the 'p' and 'y' param make it so that the rain can fall at an angle. the 'p' moves the angle up and down (if you try a weapon tpl it would need to be set to -90 for it to fall straight down). the 'y' will move the angle back and forth.
'maxrain_delay' is the max wait before the timer goes off again. the timers are set by rand() so the max that the delay can be is 1. setting it to a low number will make the rain fall more frequently. wouldnt set it too low or it may slow thing down trying to go that fast.
'rain_drips' is how many rain tpls it creates per surface each time a timer goes off. making too many might slow things down too.
'range' is the max range that the rain tpl will be created around the player. it makes the rain kind of follow the player around the level, and helps so that it isnt trying to make it rain all over where there player cant even see it.
it works pretty good but if you make it rain too may things at once it can slow things down a bit and it reaches the thing limit fast.
if the sky surface isnt flat and aiming down at the ground then it wont make the rain. so if you have a slanted sky or a vertical one it wont rain there.
i only tried making it create weapon projectiles that have forward vels. the TPL you make has to have a vel to it otherwise the rain wont move.
try it see if you like it, its the best i could do. it may even make a good trap having doom rain down from the sky.
Famous last words - "It seemed like a good idea at the time."
[This message has been edited by DSLS_DeathSythe (edited May 09, 2003).]