I want to know if it is possible to make a cog that will control the postions of small platforms based on a formula such as a parabola, cubic or exponential input somewahere in the level.
At would change between types by selecting a switch and changeing numbers ctf style. the scale would be changed so that larger numbers can be entered. that would be done via a place that said 1 metre= (insert number of spaces here).
After it is set up, it works out the positions but cancels the movement if it gets within 2 jku of the edge of the level.
I got this idea as I have been studying these things in my maths class in school recently.
I am not asking for it to be done, I just want to know if it is possible, even if it would take over a meg of programming.
If it is possible and it catches someones interest and they decide to try it, please include me in the credits and tell me if it is done. I dont want to give out my email adress so if it is done, i will send you an email and the level will be sent in the reply to see how my idea went.
Remember, this is only a question of wether it would work.
your curiosity will get the better of YOU one day.
alpha1: winner of the 2003 tfti award.
fear teh evil point finger attack. yu-gi-oh Dub.
At would change between types by selecting a switch and changeing numbers ctf style. the scale would be changed so that larger numbers can be entered. that would be done via a place that said 1 metre= (insert number of spaces here).
After it is set up, it works out the positions but cancels the movement if it gets within 2 jku of the edge of the level.
I got this idea as I have been studying these things in my maths class in school recently.
I am not asking for it to be done, I just want to know if it is possible, even if it would take over a meg of programming.
If it is possible and it catches someones interest and they decide to try it, please include me in the credits and tell me if it is done. I dont want to give out my email adress so if it is done, i will send you an email and the level will be sent in the reply to see how my idea went.
Remember, this is only a question of wether it would work.
your curiosity will get the better of YOU one day.
alpha1: winner of the 2003 tfti award.
fear teh evil point finger attack. yu-gi-oh Dub.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%