<original from http://forums.massassi.net/html/Forum2/HTML/010715.html>Hi!
Ever had the problem that when you make a COG to teleport the player from here to there and back again, and all of a sudden, you don't end up in that sector you want to end up in but instead you end up outside the game, falling without getting anywhere?</original>
Now people have asked me to post the COG in this forum so:
In gate, go to wormhole corridor, and out the other end.
Never get to the corridorr.
In, ride a corridorr a bit, end up in another level. Jump back and get spit out from where you jumped in the first place.
Got to my destination but never returned. Sector sound from destination stayed in my speakers.
And yes, I had fun with the Caps lOCK.
Simple go into sector and return to starting point. And no, I didn't set the thing for the player. I did set it for a ghost.
Yes it's big. Could that be the problem? Well, I never get to the sector. But I do end up in that possition! And I can see the objects in the next sector!
Same goes for all other COGs. I teleport, I start "falling" (actually screem as if I was falling), and I turn around, and I can see the sector I just left!
So... Oh and I tried another cut-scene COG where I teleport the player to a hiding place. I was thinking of making a cut-scene where you can skip the cut-scene simply by pressing the Activate key. But nothing happened, so I allowed the external view to view me, and I saw I was in the position of the ghost object, but the sector was gone, but I could still see the cut-scene from a, wierd, interesting, perspective.
And so I say... HELP!!!
[This message has been edited by Edward (edited May 17, 2003).]
Ever had the problem that when you make a COG to teleport the player from here to there and back again, and all of a sudden, you don't end up in that sector you want to end up in but instead you end up outside the game, falling without getting anywhere?</original>
Now people have asked me to post the COG in this forum so:
In gate, go to wormhole corridor, and out the other end.
# This here is a Star Gate Cog! # # middle_ring = the ring containing the symbols. It should turn. # dialer = Activate this to start the StarGate # start = ghost. The start of the ride # end = ghost. You apear here when ride is over. # ending = Enter here and it is all over. # water1 = Go through here and your in for the ride of your life! # water2 = the back of the StarGate. # # By Edward symbols message startup message entered message activated message crossed message timer thing middle_ring thing dialer thing start thing endit sector ending sound starting sound exiting sound off surface water1 surface water2 thing player local int on=0 local flex opentime flex speed=2 end ############################################################################################################################################## code startup: SetFaceGeoMode(water1,0x0); SetFaceGeoMode(water2,0x0); on=0; player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); MoveToFrame(middle_ring,0,100); activated: if(GetSenderRef()!=dialer) Return; if(on==0) { SetFaceGeoMode(water1,0x4); SetFaceGeoMode(water2,0x4); on=1; PlayThingSound(starting,middle_ring,1,1,10,0xC0); SetTimer(opentime); MoveToFrame(middle_ring,1,speed); } else if(on==1) { SetFaceGeoMode(water1,0x0); SetFaceGeoMode(water2,0x0); on=0; PlayThingSound(off,middle_ring,1,1,10,0xC0); SetTimer(0); MoveToFrame(middle_ring,0,speed); } Return; entered: if(GetSenderRef()!=ending) Return; if(on==0) { SetFaceGeoMode(water1,0x4); SetFaceGeoMode(water2,0x4); on=1; PlayThingSound(starting,middle_ring,1,0,1,0xC0); SetTimer(opentime); MoveToFrame(middle_ring,1,speed); } TeleportThing(player,endit); PlayThingSound(exeting,middle_ring,0.25,1,10,0xC0); PlayLocalSound(exeting,1,0,0xC0); crossed: if(GetSenderRef()!=water1) Return; if(on==0) Return; TeleportThing(player,start); timer: SetFaceGeoMode(water1,0x0); SetFaceGeoMode(water2,0x0); on=0; PlayThingSound(off,middle_ring,1,1,10,0xC0); SetTimer(0); MoveToFrame(middle_ring,0,speed); end
Never get to the corridorr.
In, ride a corridorr a bit, end up in another level. Jump back and get spit out from where you jumped in the first place.
# Jump through painting and go to its destination. # # By Edward symbols message crossed surface painting thing destination thing exiting surface exit template sparky sound poof sound paf sound musicy end # code crossed: if(GetSenderRef()==painting) { creatething(sparky,getloacalplayerthing()); PlaySoundThing(poof,gETlOCALpLAYERtHING(),1,-1,25,0x00); PlaySoundLocal(musicy,1,0,0x00); sleep(GetSoundLen(musicy)); creatething(sparky,destination); TeleportThing(GetLocalPlayerThing(),destination); PlaySoundThing(paf,gETlOCALpLAYERtHING(),1,-1,25,0x00); } Else if(GetSenderRef()==exit) { creatething(sparky,getloacalplayerthing()); PlaySoundThing(poof,gETlOCALpLAYERtHING(),1,-1,25,0x00); creatething(sparky,exiting); TeleportThing(GetLocalPlayerThing(),exiting); PlaySoundThing(paf,gETlOCALpLAYERtHING(),1,-1,25,0x00); } return; end
Got to my destination but never returned. Sector sound from destination stayed in my speakers.
And yes, I had fun with the Caps lOCK.
Simple go into sector and return to starting point. And no, I didn't set the thing for the player. I did set it for a ghost.
# All at once # # By Edward symbols message startup message crossed message activated message pulse thing elev thing start surface exitelev surface clouds surface lookup surface enterelev thing cloudpos0 thing cloudpos1 thing cloudpos2 thing cloudpos3 thing cloudpos4 thing cloudpos5 thing cloudpos6 thing cloudpos7 thing cloudpos8 template crate0 template crate1 template crate2 template crate3 template crate4 template droid0 template droid1 template droid2 template droid3 template droid4 template droid5 template droid6 template droid7 template st0 template st1 template st2 template st3 template st4 template st5 template ic0 template ic1 template o0 template o1 template reeyee0 template reeyee1 template reeyee2 template reeyee3 template reeyee4 template reeyee5 template reeyee6 template reeyee7 template reeyee8 template tusk0 template tusk1 template tusk2 template tusk3 template civ0 template civ1 template civ2 template civ3 template civ4 template civ5 template civ6 template civ7 template civ8 template civ9 template civ10 template civ11 template civ12 template civ13 template civ14 template civ15 template health surface ok thing go sound drop sound door sound beep material cratecloud material droidcloud material stcloud material iccloud material ocloud material reeyeecloud material tuskencloud material civcloud material healthcloud int i=0 local int z=0 local int a=0 local end # code startup: sleep(1); SetSurfaceMat(clouds,cratecloud); PlaySoundLocal(beep,1,0,0xC0); print("OK! Here it is, the cloud level."); sleep(5); PlaySoundLocal(beep,1,0,0xC0); print("You are to try to get to the other side of each room,"); sleep(5); PlaySoundLocal(beep,1,0,0xC0); print("at the same time as avoiding things that are raining down on you."); sleep(5); PlaySoundLocal(beep,1,0,0xC0); print("When ready to move on, press the switch!"); return; activated: If(GetSenderRef()!=ok) return; MoveToFrame(elev,1,8); return; crossed: If(GetSenderRef()==exitelev) { MoveToFrame(elev,0,8); } else if(GetSenderRef()==enterelev) { z=0; if(i==8) { TeleportThing(GetLocalPlayerThing(),go); PlaySoundLocal(drop,1,0,0xC0); SetInv(GetLocalPlayerThing(), 10, 1); SelectWeapon(GetLocalPlayerThing(),10); print("Don't move!"); } Else { TeleportThing(GetLocalPlayerThing(),start); PlaySoundLocal(door,1,0,0xC0); } i=i+1; } else if(GetSenderRef()==lookup) { if(z==1) return; z=1; a=0; PlaySoundLocal(beep,1,0,0xC0); If(i==0) { SetSurfaceMat(clouds,cratecloud); print("^Oh look! A crate cloud!^"); } Else if(i==1) { SetSurfaceMat(clouds,droidcloud); print("^Oh look! A droid cloud!^"); } else if(i==2) { SetSurfaceMat(clouds,stcloud); print("^Oh look! A StormTrooper cloud!^"); } else if(i==3) { SetSurfaceMat(clouds,iccloud); print("^Oh look! A Commando cloud!^"); } else if(i==4) { SetSurfaceMat(clouds,ocloud); print("^Oh look! An Officer cloud!^"); } else if(i==5) { SetSurfaceMat(clouds,reeyeecloud); print("^Oh look! A Reeyee cloud!^"); } else if(i==6) { SetSurfaceMat(clouds,tuskencloud); print("^Oh look! A Tuskan cloud!^"); } else if(i==7) { SetSurfaceMat(clouds,civcloud); print("^Oh look! A civilian cloud!^"); } else if(i==8) { SetSurfaceMat(clouds,healthcloud); print("^Oh look! A health cloud!^"); print("It's raining Bacta fluid! :P"); } sleep(2); SetPulse(0.1); } return; pulse: a=a+1; if(i==0) { CreateThing(crate0[rand()*4],cloudpos0[rand()*8]); } else if(i==1) { CreateThing(droid0[rand()*7],cloudpos0[rand()*8]); } else if(i==2) { CreateThing(st0[rand()*5],cloudpos0[rand()*8]); } else if(i==3) { CreateThing(ic0[rand()*2],cloudpos0[rand()*8]); } else if(i==4) { CreateThing(o0[rand()*2],cloudpos0[rand()*8]); } else if(i==5) { CreateThing(reeyee0[rand()*8],cloudpos0[rand()*8]); } else if(i==6) { CreateThing(tusk0[rand()*3],cloudpos0[rand()*8]); } else if(i==7) { CreateThing(civ0[rand()*15],cloudpos0[rand()*8]); } else if(i==8) { CreateThing(health,cloudpos0[rand()*8]); } if(a>=10) setpulse(0); return; end
Yes it's big. Could that be the problem? Well, I never get to the sector. But I do end up in that possition! And I can see the objects in the next sector!
Same goes for all other COGs. I teleport, I start "falling" (actually screem as if I was falling), and I turn around, and I can see the sector I just left!
So... Oh and I tried another cut-scene COG where I teleport the player to a hiding place. I was thinking of making a cut-scene where you can skip the cut-scene simply by pressing the Activate key. But nothing happened, so I allowed the external view to view me, and I saw I was in the position of the ghost object, but the sector was gone, but I could still see the cut-scene from a, wierd, interesting, perspective.
And so I say... HELP!!!
[This message has been edited by Edward (edited May 17, 2003).]