This was a cog that was made for me that is supposed to open a door, and leave it open when 3 surfaces and 1 thing have all been activated. The door however, does not open.
Restless 2
Sanctum de la Mort
#12/2002 GBK Symbols Message Activated Thing Door Surface Switch0 LinkID=1 Surface Switch1 LinkID=1 Surface Switch2 LinkID=1 Thing Switch3 Flex Speed=4 Sound Beep End Code Activated: If(Getsenderref() == Door || Getcurframe(Door) != 0 || Ismoving(Door)) Stop; If(GetsenderID() == 1) { Setwallcel(Getsenderref(), 1 - Getwallcel(Getsenderref())); Playsoundpos(Beep, Surfacecenter(Getsenderref()), 1, 0, 20, 0); } Else { Setthinguserdata(Switch3, 1 - Getthinguserdata(Switch3)); Playsoundthing(Beep, Switch3, 1, 0, 20, 0); } If(Getwallcel(Switch0) == 1 && Getwallcel(Switch1) == 1 && Getwallcel(Switch2) == 1 && Getthinguserdata(Switch3) == 1) Movetoframe(Door, 1, Speed); Stop; End
Restless 2
Sanctum de la Mort