ok, lets see if i can explain this good enough.
we'll just do a basic demo of what it does.
start a new jed project.
leave it with only the one default sector.
take the top surface and texture it (03sky01.mat) does nicely.
then flag the surface you just textured as sky (surf flags 204).
you can texture the other surfaces to what ever you want, if you want.
next take the cog and add it to the placed cogs.
the only thing you may need to change is the p value, it adjusts the angle that the rain falls at. set it to -80, that way the rain falls at a slight angle. if you want it to fall straight down set it to -90.
thats it, go in and test it. you should see repeaterballs raining from the sky.
the rain will come any surface that is flaged as either of the sky flags and is facing straight down.
you can try changing the rain_tpl to other projectiles. +crossbowbolt is a good one, it looks like shooting stars. you will have to make your own rain template for it if you want it to look like rain. it has to be like a projectile and have a vel that it moves at.
the x_maxr & y_maxr help spread the rain out a little. they both have to be greater than one. two is usually a good number for them.
the range the max distance away from the player that the rain will be made.
hope that helps you get it to work.
Famous last words - "It seemed like a good idea at the time."
[This message has been edited by DSLS_DeathSythe (edited June 02, 2003).]
Famous last words - "It seemed like a good idea at the time."