# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # # # # # [EH_AceTFL] # # ======================================================================================== symbols message entered thing jobman linkid=0 mask=0x405 thing key linkid=1 mask=0x405 thing newkeypost linkid=2 mask=0x405 sector ccsec linkid=3 mask=0x405 sector Sector linkid=4 mask=0x405 int talked=0 local thing cc thing techcam thing jumpghost end # ======================================================================================== code entered: if ((GetSenderID() == 4) && (talked == 0)) { player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); jkBeginCutscene(); SetActorFlags(player, 0xa00000); StopThing(player); Print("Ahh.. here you are.."); sleep(2); Print("I got job for you... but you must left the city now.."); sleep(2); Print("My frend need help on one of communication ballons. He say that pirates attack it.."); sleep(2); Print("I can pay well..."); sleep(2); Print("..and you can take one of my cloud cars"); talked = 1; jkEndCutscene(); ClearActorFlags(Player, 0xa00000); } if ((GetSenderID() == 3) && (talked == 1)) { Print("Cloud Cars are here.. i gona take them.."); sleep(4); SetActorFlags(player, 0xa00000); StopThing(player); SetCameraFocus(0, techcam); Movetoframe(cc, 1, 10); Movetoframe(cc, 2, 20); TeleportThing(player, jumpghost); waitforstop(cc); SetCameraFocus(0, player); MoveToFrame(firstdoor, 0, doorspeed); ClearActorFlags(Player, 0xa00000); } Return; end
you know whats wrong?
The miners of Kiith Somtaaw sacificed much, and risked all. For their efforts they were brought into the inner most circle of Hiigaren power. Naabal, S'jet, and Sobanii bowed before them. And from that day to this, Somtaaw's children have been known to one and all as Beastslayers..