darn i sounded dumb.....
sry about the insultynesses of it.
its just when i go and see the fact that JK is dieing, only a few month after i found it... it hurts me. deeply. coz it makes the JO engine look girlish...
if you ignore the lighting and bumpy shadery things. JO is not that good. and i cant see a single wepon that couldent be done in JK....
and the engine is so different. i cant understand it :'( its killing me guys. i am working on the best level pack i ever did see. and bye the time its reliced. there wont be any one to relise it too.
i cant think whos sig it was. but one rings a bell, it realy realy makes me think about it. and i realy know its ture "to edit is human, to COG is DEVINE" thats just it, and fool can edit. but i know five cog'ers (not includeing me) that are any good.
and waht realy miffs me. is if some f00l coudl stop JK makeing detail HOM, and give it soem better lighting. it woudl be jsut as good as JO if not five times better.
but then we woudl be brakeing the hole no editng the exe's bit..
i have jsut got stuck typeing so you can run away if you want coz i am gonna be here all day.
Q3 is a severly limited engine. most of the levels coudl be replicated with ease in JK. and would proebly be better. shure, its got some good things to it. but come on. when was the last time you looked at a wall and said "oh looks thats a example of JO's supirior bump maping" :|
and the icarus language is far to limited for my tastes.
and think about this. yes its bloody easy to
learn to make a map for JO, but its far harder to actualy
MAKE the map.
if you ask me, LEC should relice the sorce code to JK, and remove the copy rights to the engine. then some nice usefull person could open it up. and make it look good. and we woudl have a perfect game.
but unless some one fills a tank with C5 and drives it into there main office telling them to. we dont realy hae mutch chance of that happening.
why do teh gods torment my soul so? that every thing i get good at i do to late.
take pokemon (when i was a boy)
pokemon red and blue came out. a year later i bought them, a year later i got good. but bye then gold and silver came out. and jsut when i got good at that pokemon died.
BotF was a perfect example. i found it, i moded it. it died. literaly. go and try to find a palce to paly it now. :| a year ago you could paly on MSN gameing zone.
well, i have mutch mroe to say. but it will wait for another day.
but jsut as a note. i posted a post with soem cogs in it in the main eding forum. some expert help may be needed.
I am pjb.
Another post......
another moment of my life wasted.....
at least i made a level.
PJB's JK page's
-the PJB jedi rule book-
rule one, "never trust a bartender with bad grammar"-kyle katarn in JO
Rule Two, "Gravity is a crule misstress" -kyle katarn in MotS, and the alternatior MK I in AJTD