I'm working on a cutscene cog and there is a part that deals with two keyframes, but I can't get the first one to stop playing so the second one can start, heres the part of the code,
It'll play "sitkey" but how do you get it to stop playing it, StopKey() only works with using the submodes from a .pup file.
Also, the thing is supposed to be sitting on a bed and move forward to the next frame as it gets off the bed, but it won't play "getupkey" and won't move to the next frame, any ideas?
If you need more of the cog, I'll post it.
Look for my current project, The Force in Your Soul.
Last week I cudn't evn spel grajuat, but now I is one.
*Takes out his blaster and fires shots at the wall, the blastmarks leave the words "S-TROOPER WUZ 'ERE!!!"
[This message has been edited by Stormtrooper (edited July 08, 2003).]
SetCameraFocus(0, Jcamera); PlayKey(jailplayer, sitkey, 1, 0x6); MoveToFrame(Jcamera, 1, 1); WaitForStop(Jcamera); Print("That should keep you....."); Sleep(1.5); AISetMoveFrame(guard, 1); Sleep(.75); AISetMoveFrame(jailplayer, 1); PlayKey(jailplayer, getupkey, 1, 0x6); Print("There has to be some way to get outta here..."); Sleep(5);
It'll play "sitkey" but how do you get it to stop playing it, StopKey() only works with using the submodes from a .pup file.
Also, the thing is supposed to be sitting on a bed and move forward to the next frame as it gets off the bed, but it won't play "getupkey" and won't move to the next frame, any ideas?
If you need more of the cog, I'll post it.
Look for my current project, The Force in Your Soul.
Last week I cudn't evn spel grajuat, but now I is one.
*Takes out his blaster and fires shots at the wall, the blastmarks leave the words "S-TROOPER WUZ 'ERE!!!"
[This message has been edited by Stormtrooper (edited July 08, 2003).]