i got this script.. its um.. well cool. it just dosent work.
as your clearence is B4 you are alowed to see and fix it.. and know what it dose.. jsut not know why i need it... commader says so... sry
(makes day/night/rain/fog/thunder/lightning/+more if it workes ever)
please please tell me its not totaly ruined... parsec says its clean.. i got a hint it may be a problem with the timers and there calling.. but after two days of searching i am totaly confused..
P.s. A get a feeling we are gonne need help...
-puts GBK on cellophane pops it on a big lamp on top of the police station and shines it inot the clouds-
I am pjb.
Another post......
another moment of my life wasted.....
at least i made a level.
PJB's JK page's
-the PJB jedi rule book-
rule one, "never trust a bartender with bad grammar"-kyle katarn in JO
Rule Two, "Gravity is a crule misstress" -kyle katarn in MotS, and the alternatior MK I in AJTD
as your clearence is B4 you are alowed to see and fix it.. and know what it dose.. jsut not know why i need it... commader says so... sry
(makes day/night/rain/fog/thunder/lightning/+more if it workes ever)
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # day.cog # # creates day and night, as well as surface rain.(and fog) # thanks to DSLS_DeathSythe for his SURF_RAIN01.COG, the base of the rain in this. # # This Cog is Not supported by LucasArts Entertainment Co flags=0x240 #===== symbols #----- message startup message timer flex random=0 local flex daynight=32400 flex addlight=0.8 sector i=0 local surface x=0 local material mat local material day material dusk material dawn material night int daya=0 local int debug=0 flex sec_lite=0.0 local int fogr int fogg int fogb int effecthandle local #----- flex x_maxr=1.0 flex y_maxr=1.0 template rain_tpl=+repeaterball local template train_tpl=+repeaterball template tunder_tpl=+repeaterball template lightning_tpl=+repeaterball template fog_tpl=+repeaterball flex p=0.0 flex y=90.0 flex maxrain_delay=0.5 int rain_drips=3 flex range=3.0 #----- thing player=-1 local vector pyr_vec local surface a local int d=0 local vector surf_vec01 local vector rand_Svec01 local sector surf_sec01 local flex surf_Vx01 local flex surf_Vy01 local flex surf_Vz01 local flex delay1=0.0 local surface b local int e=0 local vector surf_vec02 local vector rand_Svec02 local sector surf_sec02 local flex surf_Vx02 local flex surf_Vy02 local flex surf_Vz02 local flex delay2=0.0 local surface c local int f=0 local vector surf_vec03 local vector rand_Svec03 local sector surf_sec03 local flex surf_Vx03 local flex surf_Vy03 local flex surf_Vz03 local flex delay3=0.0 local #----- end #===== code #----- startup: Sleep(2.0); player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); //-Setup the PYR of the rain_tpl... pyr_vec = VectorSet(p, y, 0.0); if((IsServer()) || (!IsMulti())) { //-Make it DAY... for(i=0; i<GetSectorCount(); i=i+1) //-look for the special sector flag... if(GetSectorFlags(i) & 0x100) { sec_lite = GetSectorLight(i); sec_lite = sec_lite + addlight; SetSectorLight(i, sec_lite, 0.0); } //-Set the sky to DAY... for(x=0; x<GetSurfaceCount(); x=x+1) //-look for the two types of sky flags... if((GetSurfaceFlags(x) & 0x200) || (GetSurfaceFlags(x) & 0x400)) SetSurfaceMat(x, day); daya = 0; SetTimerEx((daynight / 2), 1, 0, 0); SetTimerEx(daynight, 2, 0, 0); SetTimerEx((daynight / 4), 3, 0, 0); } return; #----- timer: if(GetSenderID()== 1) { //-Start the light fade... if(daya == 0) daya = 1; else if(daya == 1) daya = 0; for(i=0; i<GetSectorCount(); i=i+1) //-look for the special sector flag... if(GetSectorFlags(i) & 0x100) { if(daya == 0) { if(debug == 1) Print("going to day..."); sec_lite = GetSectorLight(i); sec_lite = sec_lite + addlight; SetSectorLight(i, sec_lite, (daynight * 1.75)); } else if(daya == 1) { if(debug == 1) Print("going to night..."); sec_lite = GetSectorLight(i); sec_lite = sec_lite - addlight; SetSectorLight(i, sec_lite, (daynight * 1.75)); } } return; } else if(GetSenderID() == 2) { //-Change the sky... for(x=0; x<GetSurfaceCount(); x=x+1) //-look for the two types of sky flags... if((GetSurfaceFlags(x) & 0x200) || (GetSurfaceFlags(x) & 0x400)) { mat = GetSurfaceMat(x); if(mat == day) SetSurfaceMat(x, dusk); else if(mat == dusk) { SetSurfaceMat(x, night); SetTimerEx((daynight / 2), 1, 0, 0); } else if(mat == night) SetSurfaceMat(x, dawn); else if(mat == dawn) { SetSurfaceMat(x, day); SetTimerEx((daynight / 2), 1, 0, 0); } } SetTimerEx(daynight, 2, 0, 0); if(GetSenderID() == 3) { //this is the weather man speaking! muhahahaahaahah! (BBUUZZZZAAAPP!!!!) //first make a random nuber appear, it will deside what weather to have. random=Rand(); //mext find out what wether we are haveing. you just cant wait can you? if (random<=0.5) //if more weather is needed put it ABOVE this line { call sun; return; } if (random<=0.6) { call rain; return; } if (random<=0.7) { call snow; return; } if (random<=0.8) { call fog; return; } if (random<=0.9) { call thunder; return; } if (random<=1) { call death; return; } #==== return; } return; } //time to rain on me :-( //-TIMER - (1) if(GetSenderID() == 4) { for(a=0; a<GetSurfaceCount(); a=a+1) { //-Look for all surfaces that are flaged as SKY... if((GetSurfaceFlags(a) & 0x200) || (GetSurfaceFlags(a) & 0x400)) { //-Check to see if the surface is flat and aiming down... if(VectorZ(GetSurfaceNormal(a)) == -1.0) { //-Get the surfaces center vec, and the surfaces sector... surf_sec01 = GetSurfaceSector(a); surf_vec01 = GetSurfaceCenter(a); surf_Vx01 = VectorX(surf_vec01); surf_Vy01 = VectorY(surf_vec01); surf_Vz01 = VectorZ(surf_vec01); surf_Vz01 = surf_Vz01 - 0.025; for(d=0; d<rain_drips; d=d+1) { //-Randomize the vector... rand_Svec01 = VectorSet(((surf_Vx01 + (Rand() - 0.5) * x_maxr)), ((surf_Vy01 + (Rand() - 0.5) * y_maxr)), surf_Vz01); //-Check to see if the rand_Svec is within the range... if((VectorDist(rand_Svec01, GetThingPos(player)) <= range)) { CreateThingAtPos(rain_tpl, surf_sec01, rand_Svec01, pyr_vec); } } } } } //-Reset the random timer... delay1 = Rand(); if(delay1 > maxrain_delay) delay1 = maxrain_delay; SetTimerEx(delay1, 4, 0, 0); return; } //-TIMER - (2) else if(GetSenderID() == 5) { for(b=0; b<GetSurfaceCount(); b=b+1) { //-Look for all surfaces that are flaged as SKY... if((GetSurfaceFlags(b) & 0x200) || (GetSurfaceFlags(b) & 0x400)) { //-Check to see if the surface is flat and aiming down... if(VectorZ(GetSurfaceNormal(b)) == -1.0) { //-Get the surfaces center vec... surf_vec02 = GetSurfaceCenter(b); surf_sec02 = GetSurfaceSector(b); surf_Vx02 = VectorX(surf_vec02); surf_Vy02 = VectorY(surf_vec02); surf_Vz02 = VectorZ(surf_vec02); surf_Vz02 = surf_Vz02 - 0.025; //-Make the amount of rain_drips for each surface... for(e=0; e<rain_drips; e=e+1) { //-Randomize the vector... rand_Svec02 = VectorSet(((surf_Vx02 + (Rand() - 0.5) * x_maxr)), ((surf_Vy02 + (Rand() - 0.5) * y_maxr)), surf_Vz02); //-Check to see if the rand_Svec is within the range... if((VectorDist(rand_Svec02, GetThingPos(player)) <= range)) { CreateThingAtPos(rain_tpl, surf_sec02, rand_Svec02, pyr_vec); } } } } } //-Reset the random timer... delay2 = Rand(); if(delay2 > maxrain_delay) delay2 = maxrain_delay; SetTimerEx(delay2, 5, 0, 0); return; } //-TIMER - (3) else if(GetSenderID() == 6) { for(c=0; c<GetSurfaceCount(); c=c+1) { //-Look for all surfaces that are flaged as SKY... if((GetSurfaceFlags(c) & 0x200) || (GetSurfaceFlags(c) & 0x400)) { //-Check to see if the surface is flat and aiming down... if(VectorZ(GetSurfaceNormal(c)) == -1.0) { //-Get the surfaces center vec... surf_sec03 = GetSurfaceSector(c); surf_vec03 = GetSurfaceCenter(c); surf_Vx03 = VectorX(surf_vec03); surf_Vy03 = VectorY(surf_vec03); surf_Vz03 = VectorZ(surf_vec03); surf_Vz03 = surf_Vz03 - 0.025; //-Make the amount of rain_drips for each surface... for(f=0; f<rain_drips; f=f+1) { //-Randomize the vector... rand_Svec03 = VectorSet(((surf_Vx03 + (Rand() - 0.5) * x_maxr)), ((surf_Vy03 + (Rand() - 0.5) * y_maxr)), surf_Vz03); //-Check to see if the rand_Svec is within the range... if((VectorDist(rand_Svec03, GetThingPos(player)) <= range)) { CreateThingAtPos(rain_tpl, surf_sec03, rand_Svec03, pyr_vec); } } } } } //-Reset the random timer... delay3 = Rand(); if(delay3 > maxrain_delay) delay3 = maxrain_delay; SetTimerEx(delay3, 6, 0, 0); return; } return; #===== //wether pattens go here sun: //its a perfect day, so do nothing but add light. call addlight; call returna; return; rain: //its not a good forcast, lets make it dark. call darklight; //time for the rain y=90.0; rain_tpl=train_tpl; call returna; call rainme; return; snow: //its not a good forcast, lets make it dark. call darklight; call returna; return; fog: rain_tpl=fog_tpl; effecthandle=newColorEffect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, fogr, fogg, fogb, 0); //its not a good forcast, lets make it dark. call darklight; call returna; return; thunder: //its not a good forcast, lets make it dark. call darklight; y=0.0; rain_tpl=tunder_tpl; call returna; call rainme; return; death: //its not a good forcast, lets make it dark. call darklight; y=90.0; rain_tpl=lightning_tpl; call returna; call rainme; return; addlight: for(i=0; i<GetSectorCount(); i=i+1) if(GetSectorFlags(i) & 0x100) { sec_lite = GetSectorLight(i); sec_lite = sec_lite + 0.5; SetSectorLight(i, sec_lite, 0.0); } return; darklight: for(i=0; i<GetSectorCount(); i=i+1) if(GetSectorFlags(i) & 0x100) { sec_lite = GetSectorLight(i); sec_lite = sec_lite -0.5; SetSectorLight(i, sec_lite, 0.0); } return; returna: #sleep(daynight / 4); //clear all the problems from erlyer FreeColorEffect(effecthandle); SetTimerEx((daynight / 4), 3, 0, 0); return; rainme: SetTimerEx(0.25, 4, 0, 0); SetTimerEx(0.5, 5, 0, 0); SetTimerEx(0.75, 6, 0, 0); return; #===== end
please please tell me its not totaly ruined... parsec says its clean.. i got a hint it may be a problem with the timers and there calling.. but after two days of searching i am totaly confused..
P.s. A get a feeling we are gonne need help...
-puts GBK on cellophane pops it on a big lamp on top of the police station and shines it inot the clouds-
I am pjb.
Another post......
another moment of my life wasted.....
at least i made a level.
PJB's JK page's
-the PJB jedi rule book-
rule one, "never trust a bartender with bad grammar"-kyle katarn in JO
Rule Two, "Gravity is a crule misstress" -kyle katarn in MotS, and the alternatior MK I in AJTD
I am Darth PJB!
well, go on, run away!
i have a plastic lightsaber and a jedi cape.. am i a nerd?
If gravity is a crule mistress, and bar tenders with bad grammar are untrustworthy, what is air?
well, go on, run away!
i have a plastic lightsaber and a jedi cape.. am i a nerd?
If gravity is a crule mistress, and bar tenders with bad grammar are untrustworthy, what is air?