After much time and thought, I present the working ship cog!
The keys for flying are:
-foward/backward keys are pitch down/up
-left/right keys are yaw left/right
-strafe left/right keys are roll left/right
-spacebar activates and deactivates the shuttle
-fire (either) gives foward thrust
-crouch gives backward thrust
The symbols are mainly self-explanitory.
-ghost should be placed behind the console with a view out the front window (required in this version)
Be sure to have the shuttle, console, and ghost in the EXACT same position. Otherwise they will rotate around different areas. Just move the center of the objects (not the ghost) so they are all positioned how you want them.
[edit]I almost forgot, all objects must have the same pitch, yaw, and roll otherwise they don't move together.[/edit]
If you have any questions, or I forgot to mention something, don't hesitate to ask.
You have permission to use this as long as I'm credited in the readme and cog description.
[edit2]I changed the cog to what SM said in his post
just to keep you from getting confused by my boredness [/edit2]
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
[This message has been edited by SG-fan (edited July 21, 2003).]
# MOTS Cog Script # # shuttle.cog # # SG-fan # # THIS COG IS NOT SUPPORTED BE LEC # ===================================================================== flags=0x40 symbols thing console0 thing shuttle nolink thing cam local thing ghost nolink int player local int on=0 local int startHealth=0 local vector oldlookvec local sound SwitchOffSound=deactivate02.wav local sound camChangeSnd=beep2.wav local vector max_foward vector max_backward vector rotateup vector rotateright vector bankright vector stopped vector rotation local vector rotation1 local vector rotation2 local message activated message playeraction message pulse message timer message startup end # ======================================================================================== code startup: SetTimerEx(1, 321, 0, 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ activated: player = GetSourceRef(); // Do not allow to activate the camera with the scope on... if(GetCurWeapon(player) == 13) Return; if(on) Return; on = 1; SetActorFlags(player, 0x80800000); SetTimerEx(0.0000001, 54321, 0, 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ playeraction: if (GetParam(0) == 0.0) // Jump { SetThingRotVel(cam, stopped); ReturnEx(0.0); } else if (GetParam(0) == 1.0) // Crouch { SetThingThrust(shuttle, max_backward); Print("backward"); ReturnEx(0.0); } else if (GetParam(0) == 2.0) // Activated { call stop_cam; ReturnEx(0.0); } else if (GetParam(0) == 3.0) // Fire { SetThingThrust(shuttle, max_foward); Print("foward"); ReturnEx(0.0); } else if (GetParam(0) == 4.0) // Strafe { ReturnEx(0.0); rotation2=GetThingRotVel(cam); If(GetParam(2) > 0) { if(VectorZ(rotation2)==VectorZ(bankright)) Return; Print("bank right"); rotation2=VectorAdd(rotation2, bankright); SetThingRotVel(cam, rotation2); } else if(GetParam(2) == 0) { if(VectorZ(rotation2)==VectorZ(bankright)) rotation2=Vectorsub(rotation2, bankright); else if(VectorZ(rotation2)==(-1*VectorZ(bankright))) rotation2=Vectoradd(rotation2, bankright); SetThingRotVel(cam, rotation2); } else if(GetParam(2) < 0) { if(VectorZ(rotation2)==(-1*VectorZ(bankright))) Return; Print("bank left"); rotation2=VectorSub(rotation2, bankright); SetThingRotVel(cam, rotation2); } } else if (GetParam(0) == 5.0) // Turn { ReturnEx(0.0); rotation1=GetThingRotVel(cam); If(GetParam(2) > 0) { if(VectorY(rotation1)==VectorY(rotateright)) Return; Print("left"); rotation1=VectorAdd(rotation1, rotateright); SetThingRotVel(cam, rotation1); } else if(GetParam(2) == 0) { if(VectorY(rotation1)==VectorY(rotateright)) rotation1=Vectorsub(rotation1, rotateright); else if(VectorY(rotation1)==(-1*VectorY(rotateright))) rotation1=Vectoradd(rotation1, rotateright); SetThingRotVel(cam, rotation1); } else if(GetParam(2) < 0) { if(VectorY(rotation1)==(-1*VectorY(rotateright))) Return; Print("right"); rotation1=VectorSub(rotation1, rotateright); SetThingRotVel(cam, rotation1); } } else if (GetParam(0) == 6.0) // Fwd / Bkwd Motion { ReturnEx(0.0); rotation=GetThingRotVel(cam); If(GetParam(2) > 0) { if(VectorX(rotation)==-1*VectorX(rotateup)) Return; Print("down"); rotation=VectorSub(rotation, rotateup); SetThingRotVel(cam, rotation); } else if(GetParam(2) == 0) { if(VectorX(rotation)==VectorX(rotateup)) rotation=Vectorsub(rotation, rotateup); else if(VectorY(rotation)==(-1*VectorY(rotateup))) rotation=Vectoradd(rotation, rotateup); SetThingRotVel(cam, rotation); } else if(GetParam(2) < 0) { if(VectorX(rotation)==VectorX(rotateup)) Return; Print("up"); rotation=VectorAdd(rotation, rotateup); SetThingRotVel(cam, rotation); } } else if (GetParam(0) == 14.0) // Other Actions { if (GetParam(2) == 0.0) // Cycle Camera { if (GetCurrentCamera() == 0) { // We're in first person mode. } else { // We're in third person mode. } } ReturnEx(1.0); } else { ReturnEx(0.0); } Return; # ........................................................................................ pulse: SetPulse(0.05); // check that the player didn't die if(GetThingHealth(player) < 1) { call stop_cam; Return; } Return; # ........................................................................................ timer: if (GetSenderID() == 12345) { TeleportThing(player, ghost); SetTimerEx(.0000001, 123, 0, 0); } if (GetSenderID() == 123) { // This is here for nothing really, just to hold a place for .0000001 of a second. } if (GetSenderID() == 54321) { TeleportThing(player, ghost); SetTimerEx(.0000001, 1234, 0, 0); } if (GetSenderID() == 1234) { StopThing(player); SetActionCog(GetSelfCog(), 0x7FFFFFFF); DetachThing(player); AttachThingToThingEx(player, shuttle, 0x8); startHealth = GetThingHealth(player); SetPulse(0.5); SetCurrentCamera(0); canpointnow = 1; call switch_cam; } if (GetSenderID() == 321) { AttachThingToThingEx(ghost, shuttle, 0x8); AttachThingToThingEx(console0, shuttle, 0x8); } if (GetSenderID() == 101) { SetThingThrust(shuttle, '0 0 0'); } Return; # ........................................................................................ switch_cam: Print(" "); Print(" "); Print(" "); Print(" "); Print(" "); dummy = PlaySoundLocal(camChangeSnd, 1.0, 0.0, 0); cam = shuttle; SetThingThrust(shuttle, max_foward); Print("foward"); SetTimerEx(.1, 101, 0, 0); SetTimerEx(minChangeRate, 12, 0, 0); Return; stop_cam: StopThing(shuttle); DetachThing(player); SetTimerEx(0.0000001, 12345, 0, 0); StopThing(player); SetPulse(0); on = 0; canpointnow = 0; dummy = PlaySoundLocal(SwitchOffSound, 1.0, 0.0, 0); // Turn off control capture. SetActionCog(-1, 0); ClearActorFlags(player, 0x80800000); Print(" "); Print(" "); Print(" "); Print(" "); Print(" "); Return; end
The keys for flying are:
-foward/backward keys are pitch down/up
-left/right keys are yaw left/right
-strafe left/right keys are roll left/right
-spacebar activates and deactivates the shuttle
-fire (either) gives foward thrust
-crouch gives backward thrust
The symbols are mainly self-explanitory.
-ghost should be placed behind the console with a view out the front window (required in this version)
Be sure to have the shuttle, console, and ghost in the EXACT same position. Otherwise they will rotate around different areas. Just move the center of the objects (not the ghost) so they are all positioned how you want them.
[edit]I almost forgot, all objects must have the same pitch, yaw, and roll otherwise they don't move together.[/edit]
If you have any questions, or I forgot to mention something, don't hesitate to ask.
You have permission to use this as long as I'm credited in the readme and cog description.
[edit2]I changed the cog to what SM said in his post
![ []](
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
[This message has been edited by SG-fan (edited July 21, 2003).]
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
Jack: "Why not!"