I'm wondering... Is there a way to control... eh... The conveyer verb like the Sector Thrust verb? I mean in the sence of turn it on, off, change directions. Basically I'd like to make a picture on the wall to do a swaying motion. And also I might want to do an advertising sign that scrolls, stops, flashes, and moves onto the next Cel... I'm trying like this:
All that happens it that it scrolls one way. Doesn't go around in a circle! Any way to do so?
I'm wondering... Is there a way to control... eh... The conveyer verb like the Sector Thrust verb? I mean in the sence of turn it on, off, change directions. Basically I'd like to make a picture on the wall to do a swaying motion. And also I might want to do an advertising sign that scrolls, stops, flashes, and moves onto the next Cel... I'm trying like this:
# Round we go. # # By Edward symbols message startup message pulse surface screen flex x=1 local flex y=0 local int a=1 local int b=1 local vector vec local end # code startup: setpulse(0.1); return; pulse: x=x+(a/10); y=y+(b/10); vec=VectorSet(x,y,0); SlideWall(screen,vec,1); If(x>1) a=-1; If(x<-1) a=1; If(y>1) b=-1; If(y<-1) b=1; return; end
All that happens it that it scrolls one way. Doesn't go around in a circle! Any way to do so?