I've got here COGs that aren't synced or won't work as I wish. This is JK MP.
Text prints locally (yes I know, flags 0x240) and no points go to any players (server or client). But the name is right!
Name is correct, but only local text, and the points go to Server.
All works but the text prints localy...
OK, before I put up flags=0x240, anyone could open the door. After I put in the 0x240, only server could open it, but what the client saw was when I went forwards, he saw me stuck, and disappear. When I came out, client saw nothing. I punched client, and he said ouch on my side, but he didn't budge on his side.
I've got here COGs that aren't synced or won't work as I wish. This is JK MP.
# Bulls Eye! # # By Edward flags=0x240 symbols message entered sector middle sound tada end # code entered: If(GetSenderRef()!=middle) return; PlaySoundGlobal(tada,1,0,0xC0); SetPlayerKills(GetLocalplayerThing(), GetPlayerKills(GetLocalplayerThing()) + 1); SetPlayerScore(GetLocalplayerThing(), GetPlayerScore(GetLocalplayerThing()) + 1); jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatPlayerName(GetLocalplayerThing()); jkStringConcatAsciiString(" made a Bulls Eye and has resieved 1 extra point!"); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); jkStringClear(); return; end
Text prints locally (yes I know, flags 0x240) and no points go to any players (server or client). But the name is right!
# Done Lap! # # By Edward flags=0x240 symbols message crossed surface crossit sound done end # code crossed: If(GetSenderRef()!=crossit) return; PlaySoundGlobal(done,1,0,0xC0); SetPlayerKills(GetLocalplayerThing(), GetPlayerKills(GetLocalplayerThing()) + 10); SetPlayerScore(GetLocalplayerThing(), GetPlayerScore(GetLocalplayerThing()) + 10); jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatPlayerName(GetLocalplayerThing()); jkStringConcatAsciiString(" has crossed the finish line! 10 points!"); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); jkStringClear(); return; end
Name is correct, but only local text, and the points go to Server.
# Grenades at Jump challange! # # By Edward symbols message activated message pulse message timer surface lever sound announce thing place0 thing place1 thing place2 thing place3 thing place4 thing place5 thing place6 thing place7 thing place8 thing place9 thing place10 thing place11 thing place12 thing place13 thing place14 thing place15 template grenades int i=0 local int z=0 local int go=0 local end # code activated: If(GetSenderRef()!=lever) return; if(go==0) { PlaySoundGlobal(announce,1,0,0xC0); Print("A challange is being thrown at the oily bronze corse."); i=0; SetPulse(0.01); SetWallCel(lever,1); go=1; SetTimer(5); } else { print("Grenades have stopped..."); SetPulse(0); SetWallCel(lever,0); go=0; } return; pulse: # DSLS_DeathSythe CreateThing(grenades,place0); i=i+1; if(i>15) i=0; return; timer: # SaberMaster print("Can you jump through a grenade field?"); return; end
All works but the text prints localy...
# Staff Only (Server) # # By Edward flags=0x240 symbols message activated thing door end # code activated: If(GetSenderRef()!=door) return; If(!IsServer(GetLocalPlayerThing())) { print("Staff Only!"); return; } else { MoveToFrame(door,1,8); sleep(3); MoveToFrame(door,0,8); } return; end
OK, before I put up flags=0x240, anyone could open the door. After I put in the 0x240, only server could open it, but what the client saw was when I went forwards, he saw me stuck, and disappear. When I came out, client saw nothing. I punched client, and he said ouch on my side, but he didn't budge on his side.