Yes it will work in JK - all the verbs are compatible with both engines
I simply wrote that, as it's (mostly) the default template that I use with the level series I'm working on (which is for MotS
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I wish that you'd have been more specific about your cog requirements
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If I'd have realised your intentions I could have modified the script specifically for you, but I'll try and see to that tomorrow (because it's late now for me) and I try not to write cog scripts when I'm tired - debugging the little swines, if you program them wrongly late at night, can be an absolute nitghtmare
It shouldn't take me too long to refer to the "DataMaster" to look up the various cog verbs and flags, and I could probably do that now, but it's a case of placing them in the right parts of your cog script...
Just out of curiosity, is it entirely realistic to have the top of a lake freeze over *instantly* when a player activates a switch ... or maybe I'm being pedantic - afterall - we do have
real lightsabers...
PS: Just as a quick after-thought, remove the damaged message in symbols (and in the corresponding code section) to make your icy surface not damage the player. I think the verb you want is SetSurfaceFlags(), with the flags either 0x1000 (Icy) or 0x2000 (Very Icy)...
I hope this is enough to get you started - I'll post back here when I get some spare time tomorrow - it may be later though .... because it's my birthday !!!! w00t !!!
Are you feeling lucky, cuz if you are, get your hands off me...
"Life is mostly froth and bubble,
But two things stand in stone,
Kindness in another's trouble,
Courage in your own"
("Ye Wearie Wayfarer" - by Adam Lindsay Gordon)