This COG is to teleport an object to somewhere else with some nice fancy graphics. But...
All works well. Nothing in chamber, make a sound (nope). But, when I place something there (example I placed was a Sequencer) the console (con) and me got teleported to the destination, but not the stuff in the chamber. HELP!
This COG is to teleport an object to somewhere else with some nice fancy graphics. But...
# Teleporter # # By Edward symbols message startup message activated message pulse thing inthere local sector chamber template upstuff template dissapear template extra surface door0 surface door1 surface door2 surface door3 surface door4 surface door5 thing destination thing emitter thing con int i local int on=0 local sound doors sound going sound nope thing player local thing ont local end # code startup: SetSectorAdjoins(chamber,1); for(i=0; i<6; i=i+1) { SetAdjoinFlags(door0,0x2); SetFaceGeoMode(door0,0); } SetPulse(0.1); return; activated: If(GetSenderRef()!=con) return; player=GetSourceRef(); If(on!=0) return; on=1; PlaySoundThing(doors,emitter,1,-1,10,0xC0); for(i=0; i<6; i=i+1) { ClearAdjoinFlags(door0,0x2); SetFaceGeoMode(door0,4); } Sleep(1); inthere=FirstThingInSector(chamber); if(inthere==-1) { PlaySoundThing(nope,player,1,-1,-1,0x0); sleep(1); } else { on=2; sleep(1); SetSectorAdjoins(chamber,0); PlaySoundThing(going,emitter,1,-1,10,0xC0); sleep(1); inthere=FirstThingInSector(chamber); while(inthere!=-1) { CreateThing(dissapear,inthere); TeleportThing(inthere,destination); CreateThing(dissapear,inthere); ont=inthere; inthere=NextThingInSector(ont); } sleep(1); on=1; SetSectorAdjoins(chamber,1); sleep(1); } PlaySoundThing(doors,emitter,1,-1,10,0xC0); for(i=0; i<6; i=i+1) { SetAdjoinFlags(door0,0x2); SetFaceGeoMode(door0,0); } on=0; return; pulse: if(on!=2) return; CreateThing(upstuff,emitter); return; end
All works well. Nothing in chamber, make a sound (nope). But, when I place something there (example I placed was a Sequencer) the console (con) and me got teleported to the destination, but not the stuff in the chamber. HELP!