That's just silly. SetThingVel?!
The best way to make an actor move is with AiSetMovePos(thing ref,vector); or AiSetMoveThing(thing ref, chase thing);
AiSetLookPos(thing ref,vector);
The code would be something like this:
Or, if you just want the AI to run forward,
This requires that you make a template for nullshot that has a very short timer, no model or a homemade null model, no damage, no collision, and no velocity. But the actor will always run forwards, forever and ever.
Just note, I'm not exactly sure on whether the code will work or not, I don't have any of my old reference material here.
You can easily modify this code to make the actor behave in an almost animalistic way, trying to get to certain objectives by avoiding walls and such. I've made some very good pathfinding AI that way. Think BEAM robots, only more complex.
His pot is blacker than his kettle!
Phoenix Swords