One of the following COGs causes my level to slow down to the point of almost freezing.
This one generates lightning, sparks, and a flash of light at a specificed point (to simulate sparking wiring and electrical arcs). When you press switch1, it's supposed to set a=1, so that the timer stops.
This COG is supposed to damage the player while bugger=0. Then, when switch1 is activated, bugger=1 and the player can not be damaged while he/she is in the specified sector.
Anyone have any ideas?
"LC Tusken: the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot"
Jack Chick preaches it
########################################################################################## # Jedi Knight Cog Script # # # # electroswitch.cog # # # # # # This cog will make a light thing flicker, to put it in your level, creat a thing # # where you want the flickering light. # # # # [EL3CTRO - 15/04/2001] [ Modified by Wolfy - 15/11/2003] # # # ########################################################################################## flags=0x240 symbols message startup message timer message activated thing light template electric template sparks surface switch1 surface screen1 surface switch2 surface screen2 surface switch3 surface screen3 sound beep sound elec_sound int a=0 local int sw1on=0 local int sw2on=0 local int sw3on=0 local end #===========================================================================- code startup: SetTimer(rand()); return; #===========================================================================- activated: if((GetSenderRef()==switch1) && (sw1on==0)) { sw1on=1; a=1; SetWallCel(switch1, 1); SetWallCel(screen1, 1); PlaySoundLocal(beep, 1.0, 0.0, 0x0); } if((GetSenderRef()==switch2) && (sw2on==0)) { sw2on=1; SetWallCel(switch1, 2); SetWallCel(screen1, 2); PlaySoundLocal(beep, 1.0, 0.0, 0x0); } if((GetSenderRef()==switch3) && (sw3on==0)) { sw3on=1; SetWallCel(switch3, 1); SetWallCel(screen3, 1); PlaySoundLocal(beep, 1.0, 0.0, 0x0); } return; #===========================================================================- timer: if(On) { if (a==0) { SetThingLight(light, 1, 0); CreateThing(electric, light); CreateThing(sparks, light); PlaySoundThing(elec_sound, light, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x0); SetTimer(rand()); } } else { if (a==0) { SetThingLight(light, 0, 0); SetTimer(rand()); } } On = 1 - On; return; #===========================================================================- end
This one generates lightning, sparks, and a flash of light at a specificed point (to simulate sparking wiring and electrical arcs). When you press switch1, it's supposed to set a=1, so that the timer stops.
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # # [YB] # # (C) 1997 LucasArts Entertainment Co. All Rights Reserved # 00_sectordamage.cog # # Apply constant amount of damage to a player in a sector. # Sector can heal instead, if a negative number is used for the "damage" variable. # # 01/31/97 [CYW] # 04/14/97 [YB] Disabled the pulse if the damageSector is not linked in # Reduced the damageInterval and increased the damage # 06/27/97 [DB] Changed damage type to 0x1 # ======================================================================================== symbols message startup message pulse message activated sector damageSector # the deadly sector. surface switch1 flex damageInterval=1.0 # how often damage is applied in seconds. flex damage=4.0 # how much damage is applied thing victim local # actors and players affected. int bugger=0 local int type local int sw****=0 local # Uh, oh! Naughty word!!!111shiftone end # ======================================================================================== code # ........................................................................................ startup: if(damageSector > -1) SetPulse(damageInterval); return; # ........................................................................................ activated: if((GetSenderRef()==switch1) && (sw****==0)) { sw****=1; bugger=1; } # ........................................................................................ pulse: if (bugger==0) { victim = FirstThingInSector(damageSector); while (victim != -1) { type = GetThingType(victim); // If we have an actor (2) or a player (10) if ((type==2) || (type==10)) { // Do the damage or healing. if (damage > 0) { DamageThing(victim, damage, 0x1, victim); } else { HealThing(victim, -damage); } victim = NextThingInSector(victim); } } } return; # ........................................................................................ end
This COG is supposed to damage the player while bugger=0. Then, when switch1 is activated, bugger=1 and the player can not be damaged while he/she is in the specified sector.
Anyone have any ideas?
"LC Tusken: the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot"
Jack Chick preaches it
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken