hey hey hey, i never said this was a BOT, this is just a rather basic AI.. ad finding pathnodes aint that harrd if i was useig them, but unfortunaly i aint. allthough wepon handeling is definatly the hardest part. if it was nessersary its more over a case of fiding the distacne ad speed of the target (and plausebly their wepon) and haveing a preset wepon for every posobility.
the "if it hears you" part is quite simple, if the enermy actor decore actor or player is in a set range of the decore actor (from now on called DAI) then based on the distance as a muliplayer (the further away the less lightly) go and investigate. (A.K.A trun around and move towards the ostion of the said sound maker. also if within a 360 degreee LOS double the lightly hood of "hearing" the sound. also run towards the target insted of walking.
thats the exact point, this is a AI so basic its a step lower on the evoluaary line than the AI of JK, and the fact is as i mentioned, this iseent some super fabulous BOT, its a MP enermy for CO-OP misstions. it dosent need to run about picking up wepons, it just wants to shoot at the good guy. another advantage is that the new AI system would make it possible to have a very MOTS style AI that can shoot at a AI with a different side. so you and your team can fall in to a battle and find AI on your side shooting at the bad guys as well as you.
also in some levels ai could "follow" you up stares amd ramps (although not jumps or elivators, and it cant open doors) and then shoot at bad guys with you (weather player s or other AI.
actualy. thats quite true, you would, but not all of it has to be done for a AI this darn simple. it dosent need to jump. or open doors, it only needs to make random turns if "patroling" (or evan walk one way untill a timer has elapsed or is outside of a set distance then return) it also nees to investigate "sounds" (as i said before) and shoot at you if it sees you with a set margin of error. (RAND*int we love you)
well the fact is the syving wont improve that mutch (tests showed a 100 MS improvement) but the fact is my (very very very basic) DAI dosent cause as mutch lag as a normal AI.. dont you wonder why AI arnet evan crated in MP games and you have to gerneraite them? obviously coz LEC saw that they lag like HELL, and they do. in my lag test i proved that in a MP game. normal AI caused a 300MS lag, while my basic _decore AI caused a far better 150MS lag
(note all times are avrages rounded up to the nerest fifty or hundred)
antoher improve ment is that the object is synced BY JK's engine. dont you think that the running a pulse ever 0.01 secods asking JK to "syncthing" in cog may cause SLightly more lag than JK doing in natrualy?
well LEC never thought of makeing Co-Op misshtions. (obvioulsy, coz they would have done it otherwise)
and kudos (did i say that right?) to rynar for the Rbots. that own, but he was useing defult JK AI, and he wated Bots.. now i hardly want aything near a bot. all i want is something that when you open a door can be behind it shooting your *** off. also it might frankly suck in open combat, but if you played JK SP when did the AI actualy fight in open combat? JK's dark jedi? they sucked. the tuscan raiders. the walk towards you shooting! so they suck too. if you look at it LEC where very carfull NOT to have the AI in open combat simply coz it would look dumb. in JO AI are far far better and levels like yavin's swamps seem actualy realistic, try that with JK's AI and it would be dumb.
you obvioulsy mis understand me in teh fact that this aint a bot. and it might ot be easy for you lucky. but in the last few mouth i have found that i can now write cogs that are in almost equal to people like sabermaster GBK the hole of the famious EAH clan AND the people who made Rbots. yea in some respects i fail (liek trying to work out how to send my DAI to a POS with a vector force) and i tend to use more long winded meathods like hundreds of commands insted of those neat tidey variable[x] loop thingys that own, and i tend to use to meany varables when i could use a array or heap. and sometimes i evan have the nerve to add half a ton of rubbish code to do something that i know i could do if i worked out why it wasent working but cant be bothered..
but still, i can cog practicaly anything.
/me also makeing fantabulistic drivable vehicle to rival my last (not half bad) attempts.
but when it comes down to it. sometimes i need help and all i want is a strait answer when i do, now i dont mind your comments, and i have to admit that we will have to agree to differ on this one..
BUT i am going ahead with it and unless someone can tell me how to find the vector to move a object to a point, i will simply have to spend a few weeks when i could have been working on the DAI working it out.
good. how do i find the vector to go to a pos?
P.S. sorry about sucky spellingg but i suck at that, and my n key seems to work sometimes but the not otheres, its kida liek i need o press it real hard.
I am pjb.
Another post......
another moment of my life wasted.....
at least i made a level.
PJB's JK page's
-the PJB jedi rule book-
rule one, "never trust a bartender with bad grammar"-kyle katarn in JO
Rule Two, "Gravity is a crule misstress" -kyle katarn in MotS, and the alternatior MK I in AJTD
rule three, "asprines good, but it hasent got the kick of morphine. and its not gonna stop the hurting in my arm, the one thats on the otherside of the room i mean" -the alternatior
[This message has been edited by [SF]pjb (edited November 17, 2003).]