i have a problem with my cog, everything is good on it, except the host is the only one that hears the sounds when you activate the surface.please help to find out what is wrong, and reply with the edited cog.
Your Owners Clan Leaader,
## # MOTS Cog Script # # 00_simpleForceField.COG # # Force-field effect on two adjoined surfaces (ff_front and ff_back) # Will damage player if touched while force-field status is ON. # May be switched off by either a console (thing) or switch (surface). # Force-field starts being ON (default: status=1). # Change status=0 if you want the force-field to be OFF at start. # # In JED (or something similiar in JK Edit, if you're so inclined...) : # NB-01: Set +ADJOIN FLAGS to 5 # NB-02: Set +SURFACE FLAGS to 14007 # NB-03: Set +FACE FLAGS to 2 # NB-04: Set +GEO to 4 # # Set verbose=1, if you want to see print out messages. # (More for test purposes than anything else...) # # This COG script is NOT supported by LucasArts or LEC. # # Permission is granted to use this script by the author, as long as credit # is provided in the readme file for any add-on levels that use this script. # # version 1 : 12-August-2003 # version 2 : 14-August-2003 # # # E-mail: lucky_jackpot@hotmail.com # [RJS] # ## symbols message startup message activated message touched message damaged message timer surface ff_front linkid=2, mask=0x400 surface ff_back linkid=2, mask=0x400 surface switch linkid=1 thing console linkid=1 template sparks=+heavysmoke local #thing player local thing playerReference local thing victim local flex damage local flex damageInterval=0.25 local flex minDamage=2.0 flex maxDamage=10.0 int status=1 # 1 is ON ; 0 is OFF int damaging=1 local sound ff_on=forcefieldon01.wav sound ff_off=forcefieldoff01.wav sound ff_hum=forcefieldhum01.wav sound ff_hit=forcefieldhit01.wav int tempSound1 local int tempSound2 local int tempSound3 local int tempSound4 local int verbose=0 # Used as a test variable. Set to 0 to not print messages... end #============================================================== #============================================================== #============================================================== code startup: if (verbose) Sleep (2.5); // Allow dust to settle for a bit... Print ("Force Field Status COG EXECUTING !!!"); if (status == 0) { if (verbose) Print ("startup: OFF"); SetWallCel (switch, 0); call forceField_OFF; } else if (status == 1) { if (verbose) Print ("startup: ON"); SetWallCel (switch, 1); call forceField_ON; } return; #------------------------------------------------------ activated: playerReference = GetLocalPlayerThing(); // Eliminate any possibility that something other than // the on-off switch OR console could send the // "activated" message... if (GetSenderID() != 1) return; if (GetSenderID() == -1) return; if (GetSenderID() == 1) { if (status == 0) { if (verbose) Print ("FF IS OFF"); SetWallCel (switch, 0); call forceField_OFF; } else if (status == 1) { if (verbose) Print ("FF IS ON"); SetWallCel (switch, 1); call forceField_ON; } } return; #------------------------------------------------------ touched: if (GetSenderID() != 2) return; playerReference = GetLocalPlayerThing(); victim = GetSourceRef(); if (GetSenderID() == 2) { if (verbose) Print ("SURFACE TOUCHED !!!!"); if (status == 1) { if (verbose) // Strange - you would have thought status would // have to be 1 to be ON and damage player, but nevermind // - the script works... ;p Print ("SAFE TO PASS - OK"); Print ("FF is off so dont damage..."); } else if (status == 0) { if (verbose) Print ("OUCH !!!"); damage = (Rand() * (maxDamage - minDamage)) + minDamage; // Allow for self-inflicted damage (0x2) // Change to 0x1 flag to cut straight through shields and do DIRECT health damage.... DamageThing (playerReference, damage, 0x2, GetSenderRef() ); // Sounds stuff tempSound3 = PlaySoundPos (ff_hit, GetSurfaceCenter (ff_front), 0.5, 1, 10, 0); tempSound4 = PlaySoundPos (ff_hit, GetSurfaceCenter (ff_back), 0.5, 1, 10, 0); if (!IsMulti() ) CreateThing (sparks, victim); damaging = 0; SetTimer (damageInterval); } } return; #------------------------------------------------------ damaged: if (GetParam (1) == 1) { //player = GetThingParent (GetSourceRef() ); player = GetSourceRef(); if (GetThingType (player) != 10) return; damage = (Rand() * (maxDamage - minDamage) ) + minDamage; DamageThing (player, damage, 0x01, player); } return; #------------------------------------------------------ timer: damaging = 1; return; #------------------------------------------------------ forceField_ON: // Floor; Used in COG; Impassable; Magsealed SetSurfaceFlags (ff_front, 0x14007); SetSurfaceFlags (ff_back, 0x14007); // Not passable ClearAdjoinFlags (ff_front, 0x2); ClearAdjoinFlags (ff_back, 0x2); // ALT: SetAdjoinFlags (ff_back, 0x5); // Geo-mode SetFaceGeoMode (ff_front, 4); // Surface face SetFaceGeoMode (ff_back, 4); // is drawn... // Surface Face Type Info SetFaceType (ff_front, 0x2); // Translucent SetFaceType (ff_back, 0x2); // Sounds stuff PlaySoundLocal (ff_on, 1, 0, 0x0); // Play On sound tempSound1 = PlaySoundPos (ff_hum, GetSurfaceCenter (ff_front), 1.5, 2.0, 10.0, 0x1); tempSound2 = PlaySoundPos (ff_hum, GetSurfaceCenter (ff_back), 1.5, 2.0, 10.0, 0x1); // Set wall cell mat info SetWallCel (switch, 1); // Reset status to 0 - OFF // (think that status should be 1 ?? Try it and see what happens...status = 0; return; #------------------------------------------------------ forceField_OFF: // Surface flags ClearSurfaceFlags (ff_front, 0x14007); ClearSurfaceFlags (ff_back, 0x14007); // Adjoins info SetAdjoinFlags (ff_front, 0x2); SetAdjoinFlags (ff_back, 0x2); // ALT: SetAdjoinFlags (ff_back, 0x7); // Geo-mode SetFaceGeoMode (ff_front, 0); // Don't draw surface SetFaceGeoMode (ff_back, 0); // Surface Face Type Info ClearFaceType (ff_front, 0x2); // Clears translucency ClearFaceType (ff_back, 0x2); //SetFaceType (ff_back, 0x0); // Sounds stuff StopSound (tempSound1, 0.5); // Stop hum sound StopSound (tempSound2, 0.5); StopSound (tempSound3, 0.2); StopSound (tempSound4, 0.2); PlaySoundLocal (ff_off, 1, 0, 0x0); // Play Off sound // Set wall cell mat info SetWallCel (switch, 0); // Reset status to 1 - ACTIVE // (think that status should be 0 ?? Try it and see what happens...
status = 1; return; #------------------------------------------------------ end
Your Owners Clan Leaader,