Hello. Im thinking about mots camera that will use playeractions to make it look (left right, and up down). Up and down works fine couse it returning -1 or 1 so i only need to create vector and all is OK. But looking up and down.. it returning strange values about ~50 (smaller for down, and bigger for up), but not all time. Sometimes set place is in 40 other times in 60. So, someone have ideA how to make this works fine? (i wont set camera as curent weapon becouse this will not work anymore). SOmeone can help me?
The miners of Kiith Somtaaw sacificed much, and risked all. For their efforts they were brought into the inner most circle of Hiigaren power. Naabal, S'jet, and Sobanii bowed before them. And from that day to this, Somtaaw's children have been known to one and all as Beastslayers..
The miners of Kiith Somtaaw sacificed much, and risked all. For their efforts they were brought into the inner most circle of Hiigaren power. Naabal, S'jet, and Sobanii bowed before them. And from that day to this, Somtaaw's children have been known to one and all as Beastslayers..