Sorry if I asked you guys to make a sentry gun COG for me... I made a class cog and it doesn't seem to work... Help?
In the while I test to see if the thing is moving cause I want it to NOT unfold if it's falling. I want it to unfold when it has come to a complete stop and has attached itself to a surface.
BUT, non of the keys seem to respond. It plays the sound but it doesn't unfold, nor does it target me and fire. OK not fire, but play the sound of fireing. Doesn't move at all. I've given it this template:
Oh, and it keeps sliding off the walls when I want it to stick! And I don't collide into it!
Keys will come...
Sorry if I asked you guys to make a sentry gun COG for me... I made a class cog and it doesn't seem to work... Help?
# Sentry Gun Class COG # # By Edward symbols message created message pulse thing sentry local template boom=+grenade_exp local template proj=+stlaser local keyframe opening=Sentry_Open.key local keyframe idle=Sentry_Idle.key local keyframe over=Sentry_Down.key local sound open=Ed_Sadar_Ready.wav local sound going=scalarm.wav local sound empty=pistout1.wav local sound moving=weegeemove01.wav local sound firy=SentryGun_Fire.wav local int ammo local int thekey=-1 local int chan=1 local flex dot local flex maxdot=0 local model xeno=alien.3do local thing victim=-1 local int potential=-1 local end # code created: sentry=GetSenderRef(); thekey=PlayKey(sentry,opening,1,0x1); ammo=500; sleep(0.2); while(IsThingMoving(sentry)) { sleep(0.1); } StopKey(sentry,thekey,0.1); PlaySoundThing(open,sentry,1,-1,10,0xC0); thekey=PlayKey(sentry,opening,1,0x4); sleep(1); StopKey(sentry,thekey,0.1); thekey=PlayKey(sentry,idle,1,0x0); SetPulse(.1); return; pulse: victim=-1; maxdot=0; potential=FirstThingInView(sentry,90,1,0x404); while(potential!=-1) { if(HasLOS(sentry,potential) && (potential!=sentry) && (VectorDist(GetThingPos(sentry), GetThingPos(potential)) <= 1) && !(GetThingFlags(potential) & 0x200) && !((jkGetFlags(potential) & 0x20) && !IsInvActivated(sentry, 23))) { dot=ThingViewDot(sentry,potential); if(dot>maxdot) { victim=potential; maxdot=dot; PlaySoundThing(firy,sentry,1,-1,10,0xC0); } } Potential=NextThingInView(); } ############################################################################ if(ammo<=0) { PlaySoundThing(empty,sentry,1,-1,10,0xC0); SetPulse(0); StopKey(sentry,thekey,1); thekey=PlayKey(sentry,over,1,0x4); chan=PlaySoundThing(moving,sentry,1,-1,10,0xC0); ChangeSoundPitch(chan,.1,1); sleep(1); PlaySoundThing(going,sentry,1,-1,10,0xC0); Sleep(GetSoundLen(going) + 0.25); PlaySoundThing(going,sentry,1,-1,10,0xC0); Sleep(GetSoundLen(going) + 0.25); CreateThing(boom,sentry); DestroyThing(sentry); } return; end
In the while I test to see if the thing is moving cause I want it to NOT unfold if it's falling. I want it to unfold when it has come to a complete stop and has attached itself to a surface.
BUT, non of the keys seem to respond. It plays the sound but it doesn't unfold, nor does it target me and fire. OK not fire, but play the sound of fireing. Doesn't move at all. I've given it this template:
sentrygun _weapon timer=86400 size=0.04 movesize=0.04 model3d=Sentry.3DO vel=(0/.1/0) physflags=0x429B typeflags=0x00A81 explode=+grenade_exp fleshhit=+sequencer_exp cog=class_sentrygun.cog soundclass=sentry.snd surfdrag=100.000000 airdrag=10.000000 collide=1 pup=sentry.pup mass=5
Oh, and it keeps sliding off the walls when I want it to stick! And I don't collide into it!
Keys will come...