I was looking at some of my old cogs to see how i did stuff, and I relized that i went from my 473 line spawning system cog for SM HQ, which was rather lame, to this 93 line long cog that controls the spawning in Attack on Theed. (i admit, alot of the lines are due to my spacing organization habbits)
My AoT spawning system automatically randomly spawns you at one of four points in the "spawning area" that is closet to where you died. This keeps the action where I want the action to be taking place, and keeps it happening. In the future I may add more points in each spawning area, but for now 4 is good. Check it out and tell me what you think.
Anothing note: The JK 3do limit was kept in mind when making this cog, very much so. With this cog (modified), you can have unlimited "spawn zones" and unlimited spawn points using only ONE 3do, the ghost "thing" that does all the work.
It serves its purpose very well.
One day, after everybody else quits, I'll be the best.
Sith Mercenaries
^My site.
My AoT spawning system automatically randomly spawns you at one of four points in the "spawning area" that is closet to where you died. This keeps the action where I want the action to be taking place, and keeps it happening. In the future I may add more points in each spawning area, but for now 4 is good. Check it out and tell me what you think.
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # 1337sp4wn.cog # # Controls the player spawning in Attack on Theed: Final Assault. # # [SM SIth Lord] # # This cog is not made or distributed by LucasArts Entertainment Co. flags=0x240 symbols message newplayer message killed thing primer_point thing spawnarea0 thing spawnarea1 thing spawnarea2 thing spawnarea3 thing r0sa0 thing r0sa1 thing r0sa2 thing r0sa3 thing r1sa0 thing r1sa1 thing r1sa2 thing r1sa3 thing r2sa0 thing r2sa1 thing r2sa2 thing r2sa3 thing r3sa0 thing r3sa1 thing r3sa2 thing r3sa3 thing r4sa0 thing r4sa1 thing r4sa2 thing r4sa3 int numspawns=4 int primer_spawn=1 local int player local flex magicnum local end # ======================================================================================== code newplayer: player = GetSourceRef(); CaptureThing(player); if( primer_spawn ){ primer_spawn = 0; TeleportThing(player,primer_point); return; } bestdist = VectorDist(playerpos,GetThingPos(spawnarea0)); bestindex = 0; for(index=0; index < numspawns; index = index + 1){ if( VectorDist(playerpos,GetThingPos(spawnarea0[index])) <= bestdist ){ bestdist = VectorDist(playerpos,GetThingPos(spawnarea0[index])); bestindex = index; } } magicnum = Rand(); if( magicnum < 0.25 ) JumpToFrame(spawnarea0[bestindex],1,GetThingSector(r1sa0[bestindex])); else if( magicnum >= 0.25 && magicnum < 0.50 ) JumpToFrame(spawnarea0[bestindex],2,GetThingSector(r2sa0[bestindex])); else if( magicnum >= 0.50 && magicnum < 0.75 ) JumpToFrame(spawnarea0[bestindex],3,GetThingSector(r3sa0[bestindex])); else if( magicnum >= 0.75 ) JumpToFrame(spawnarea0[bestindex],4,GetThingSector(r4sa0[bestindex])); TeleportThing(player,spawnarea0[bestindex]); JumpToFrame(spawnarea0[bestindex],0,GetThingSector(r0sa0[bestindex])); return; killed: player = GetSourceRef(); playerpos = GetThingPos(player); return; # ........................................................................................ end
Anothing note: The JK 3do limit was kept in mind when making this cog, very much so. With this cog (modified), you can have unlimited "spawn zones" and unlimited spawn points using only ONE 3do, the ghost "thing" that does all the work.
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif)
One day, after everybody else quits, I'll be the best.
Sith Mercenaries
^My site.