Tell me, how do I test if an AI has landed?
I have this JK in-game cutscene where the hero uses the force to lift him up. Here's how I do it:
I use SectorThrust to lift the emporer. Now what should I use instead of IsThingMoving to test that the emporer has landed?
Tell me, how do I test if an AI has landed?
I have this JK in-game cutscene where the hero uses the force to lift him up. Here's how I do it:
Print("emperor: HA! You're weak!"); sleep(GetSoundLen(emperor_weak)/2); StopKey(emperor,emperork,0.1); emperork=PlayKey(emperor,fall,1,0x0); SetSectorThrust(emperorthrown,'0 0 1',5); DetachThing(emperor); SetThingVel(emperor,'0 0 1'); sleep(3); StopKey(ug,ugk,1); SetSectorThrust(emperorthrown,'0 0 1',0.3); PlaySoundLocal(emperor_aaaarg,1,0,0x0); twink=0; SetPulse(0); While(IsThingMoving(emperor)) { sleep(0.1); } StopKey(emperor,emperork,0.1); SetSectorThrust(emperorthrown,'0 0 1',0); PlaySoundLocal(emperor_oof,1,0,0x0); emperork=PlayKey(emperor,hitground,1,0x4); sleep(GetKeyLen(hitground)+1);
I use SectorThrust to lift the emporer. Now what should I use instead of IsThingMoving to test that the emporer has landed?