...or, I've hit the COG limit.
Cog nr 119 in the Placed Cogs window.
The surface exists, the destination exists, is in a sector, template does exist, and so does the sound. So tell me... WHAT'S THE PROBLEM???
Cog nr 119 in the Placed Cogs window.
# Teleport by Surface # # By Edward symbols message activated surface surf thing goto template magic sound teling end # code startup: SetWallCel(surf,0); sleep(1); print("Aye?"); return; activated: if(GetSenderRef()!=surf) return; if(GetWallCel(surf)==1) return; SetWallCel(surf,1); print("Aye!"); CreateThing(magic,GetSourceRef()); CreateThing(magic,goto); PlaySoundThing(teling,GetSourceRef(),1,-1,-1,0x0); PlaySoundThing(teling,goto,1,-1,-1,0x0); sleep(0.1); TeleportThing(GetSourceRef(),goto); sleep(1); SetWallCel(surf,0); return; end
The surface exists, the destination exists, is in a sector, template does exist, and so does the sound. So tell me... WHAT'S THE PROBLEM???