...that has effectively killed an otherwise operational COG.
I originally had this cutscene send a user0 message to a different cog that contained only this code, but the cog refused to work. I thought that there might have been some mistake in the cog-to-cog message, so I integrated the code into my 02_halldash cog, and now that doesn't work, either. I've isolated the problem to this code:
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
I originally had this cutscene send a user0 message to a different cog that contained only this code, but the cog refused to work. I thought that there might have been some mistake in the cog-to-cog message, so I integrated the code into my 02_halldash cog, and now that doesn't work, either. I've isolated the problem to this code:
activated: If(GetSenderRef()==book && pulled==0) { pulled=1; SetTimer(0); StopSound(music, 1.0); player=GetLocalPlayerThing(); SetActorFlags(player, 0xa00000); StopThing(player); Print("-[INITIATING LOCKDOWN PROCEDURE]-"); PlaySoundLocal(alarm, 1, 0, 0x0); MoveToFrame(dcam0, 0, 4); Sleep(0.25); SetCameraFocus(0, dcam0); Sleep(2.0); CreateThing(lockdoor, leftdoor); PlaySoundLocal(crash, 1, 0, 0x0); Sleep(0.75); SetCameraFocus(0, libcam); Sleep(0.5); CreateThing(lockdoor, fardoor); PlaySoundLocal(crash, 1, 0, 0x0); Sleep(0.5); MoveToFrame(dcam0, 1, 4); Sleep(0.25); SetCameraFocus(0, dcam0); Sleep(2.0); CreateThing(lockdoor, rightdoor); PlaySoundLocal(crash, 1, 0, 0x0); Sleep(0.75); SetCameraFocus(0, backcam); PlaySoundLocal(break, 1, 0, 0x0); #CreateThing(sparks, window); Sleep(2.0); ClearActorFlags(player, 0xa00000); SetCameraFocus(0, libcam); } return;
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.