Hello, everyone. For some reason my 02_patrol cog, which had worked perfectly up to this point is now experiencing weird errors... the movers cease to detect the player if they see him, but the cutscene still plays if you enter the omq sectors, which are just places that should be off-limits. Also, the cutscene still doesn't kill the player on detection, but if that doesn't work, I can just send a message to another cog that can kill the player.
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # GISMATH.COG # # symbols message user1 message pulse message arrived message timer message entered message activated sector omq0 sector omq1 sector omq2 sector killall thing player local thing truckcam thing mover thing mover1 thing mnode thing mnode1 thing m1node thing m1node1 flex movespeed=1 flex movespeed1=1 flex pivotdelay=1 flex pivotdelay1=1 flex range=2 flex range1=2 int point=0 local int point1=0 local int just=0 local int just1=0 local int spot=0 local flex fov=0.9 flex fov1=0.9 flex maxdist=2 flex maxdist1=2 thing truckcam thing truck sound pget sound bget sound detect sound spy sound bang int music local end # ======================================================================================== code user1: AIClearMode(mover, 0x1004); AIClearMode(mover1, 0x1004); SetPulse(0.05); AISetLookPos(mover, GetThingPos(mnode)); AISetMoveThing(mover, mnode); AISetMovespeed(mover, movespeed); AISetLookPos(mover1, GetThingPos(m1node)); AISetMoveThing(mover1, m1node); AISetMovespeed(mover1, movespeed); music=playsoundlocal(spy, 1, 0, 0x1); Return; # ........................................................................................ Activated: if(GetSenderRef()==truck) { StopSound(music, 0.5); DestroyThing(mover); DestroyThing(mover1); } Return; # ........................................................................................ Entered: if(GetSenderRef()==omq0) Call Spotted; if(GetSenderRef()==omq1) Call Spotted; if(GetSenderRef()==omq2) Call Spotted; if(GetSenderRef()==killall) { SetPulse(0.0); } Return; # ........................................................................................ Pulse: player = FirstThingInView(mover, fov, maxdist, 0x400); while(player != -1) { if(HasLOS(mover, player) && (VectorDist(GetThingPos(player), GetThingPos(mover)) <= maxdist) && !(GetThingFlags(player) & 0x200) && (player == GetLocalPlayerThing())) { call Spotted; } player = NextThingInView(); } player = FirstThingInView(mover1, fov1, maxdist1, 0x400); while(player != -1) { if(HasLOS(mover1, player) && (VectorDist(GetThingPos(player), GetThingPos(mover1)) <= maxdist) && !(GetThingFlags(player) & 0x200) && (player == GetLocalPlayerThing())) { call Spotted; } player = NextThingInView(); } Return; # ........................................................................................ Arrived: If(GetSenderRef() == mover && !just) { just = 1; SetTimerEx(pivotdelay + range*Rand(), 0, 0, 0); } If(GetSenderRef() == mover1 && !just1) { just1 = 1; SetTimerEx(pivotdelay1 + range1*Rand(), 1, 0, 0); } Return; # ........................................................................................ Timer: If(GetSenderID() == 0) { just = 0; point = 1 - point; AISetLookPos(mover, GetThingPos(mnode[point])); AISetMoveThing(mover, mnode[point]); } If(GetSenderID() == 1) { just1 = 0; point1 = 1 - point1; AISetLookPos(mover1, GetThingPos(m1node[point1])); AISetMoveThing(mover1, m1node[point1]); } Return; Spotted: if(spot==0) { spot=1; playsoundlocal(detect, 1, 0, 0x0); player=GetLocalPlayerThing(); SetActorFlags(player, 0xa00000); StopThing(player); TeleportThing(mover, mnode); TeleportThing(mover1, m1node1); SetCameraFocus(0, truckcam); SetCurrentCamera(0); Sleep(0.5); AISetLookPos(mover1, GetThingPos(player)); Print("PETER: GET HIM!"); PlaySoundLocal(pget, .7, 0, 0x0); AISetLookPos(mover, GetThingPos(player)); Sleep(1.5); Print("BERNARD: Yeah! Get him! ...oh"); Print(""); Print(""); Print(""); Print(""); PlaySoundLocal(bget, .7, 0, 0x0); Sleep(1.5); SetCurrentCamera(1); PlaySoundLocal(bang, 1, 0, 0x0); ClearActorFlags(player, 0xa00000); DamageThing(player, 999, 0x0, player); } Return; end