Okay, this time I am testing this cog for the opening of the Celphi-level, made by JKDomination.
The problem is that, for some reason, it doesn't animate the face when Inrei is supposed to talk, and doesn't play the final keyframe sequence...
So, can anyone of you masters realize what's wrong and help me and mr. JKDomination?
<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
The problem is that, for some reason, it doesn't animate the face when Inrei is supposed to talk, and doesn't play the final keyframe sequence...
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # testanim.cog # # (Test) Opening Cutscene # # [JKDomination] # # ======================================================================================== symbols message startup # Y-1800 Celphi MELTDOWN Sequence keyframe oldsit=inrsitidle1.key local keyframe sit=inrsitmov1.key local keyframe swt=inrsitswt1.key local keyframe mov=inrsitmov3.key local keyframe mov4=inrsitmov4.key local thing inrseat thing cam thing cam2 thing cam3 material normal=comm_panel.mat local material impscrn=comm_impconn.mat local surface thescreen sound turnon=commlink_on.wav local sound hum=kejim_console_lp.wav local sound turnoff=commlink_off.wav local model bsseat=pilotschair2b.3do local thing seatghost # The Conversation stuff sound msg1=doom_array1.wav local sound msg2=doom_array2.wav local sound msg3=doom_array7.wav local sound msg4=screen1lp.wav local sound msg5=screen2lp.wav local material inrface=shahdfr.mat local # All the INT crap no-one really cares about int inrsit local int inrmove local int inrmove2 local int inrmove3 local int lastmove local int mooger local int mooger2 local int mooger3 local int meshum local int faceanim local thing player local end # ======================================================================================== code startup: SetActorFlags(jkGetLocalPlayer(), 0xa00000); stopthing(getlocalplayerthing()); SetCameraFocus(0, cam); SetCurrentCamera(0); sleep(0.5); inrsit = playkey(inrseat, sit, 1, 0x4); mooger = Sleep(GetKeyLen(sit)); inrmove = playkey(inrseat, swt, 1, 0x4); mooger2 = Sleep(GetKeyLen(swt)); playsoundlocal(turnon, 0.9, 0, 0x0); SetCameraFocus(0, cam2); SetCurrentCamera(0); inrmove2 = playkey(inrseat, mov, 1, 0x4); sleep(0.49); SetSurfaceMat(thescreen,impscrn); mooger3 = Sleep(GetKeyLen(mov)); Sleep(GetSoundLen(turnon)); meshum = playsoundlocal(hum, 0.9, 0, 0x1); SurfaceAnim(thescreen,2.5,0x1); # The Conversation sleep(0.27); playsoundlocal(msg1, 1.4, 0, 0x0); Print("- Connection to Sybrin Installation Established -"); Sleep(GetSoundLen(msg1)); sleep(1.37); playsoundlocal(msg5, 1.4, 0, 0x0); Print("OPERATOR: Sybrin Installation to Y-1800 Celphi MELTDOWN, please report."); Sleep(GetSoundLen(msg5)); sleep(1.29); faceanim = materialanim(inrface, 4, 0x1); Print("INREI CHEREN: This is Inrei Cheren to Sybrin Installation."); sleep(2.8); stopAnim(faceanim); SetMaterialCel(inrface,0); sleep(1.3); playsoundlocal(msg3, 1.4, 0, 0x0); Print("OPERATOR: Ah, ms. Cheren. I presume that your mission was successful?"); Sleep(GetSoundLen(msg3)); sleep(1.3); SetCameraFocus(0, cam3); SetCurrentCamera(0); faceanim = materialanim(inrface, 4, 0x1); Print("INREI: But of course. I request landing permission to hangar C451, code ECYPH36."); sleep(4.8); stopAnim(faceanim); SetMaterialCel(inrface,0); sleep(1.88); playsoundlocal(msg2, 1.4, 0, 0x0); Print("OPERATOR: Permission granted. Report to Commander Kalon as soon as you have finished docking."); Sleep(GetSoundLen(msg2)); sleep(1.3); SetCameraFocus(0, cam2); SetCurrentCamera(0); faceanim = materialanim(inrface, 4, 0x1); Print("INREI: Inrei Cheren, out."); sleep(1.85); stopAnim(faceanim); SetMaterialCel(inrface,0); sleep(1.2); # Cutscene continues lastmove=PlayKey(inrseat,mov4,1,0x4); StopSurfaceAnim(thescreen); sleep(1.39); StopSound(meshum,0); SetSurfaceMat(thescreen,normal); playsoundlocal(turnoff, 0.7, 0, 0x0); sleep(2.5); SetCameraFocus(0, jkGetLocalPlayer()); ClearActorFlags(jkGetLocalPlayer(), 0xa00000); DestroyThing(cam); DestroyThing(cam2); DestroyThing(cam3); DestroyThing(inrseat); SetThingModel(seatghost,bsseat); return; # ........................................................................................ end
So, can anyone of you masters realize what's wrong and help me and mr. JKDomination?
<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan