I mean that it passes Checksum, one player can have it, and everyone else could not have it and it would still work.
For example, if one player had a mod on,say, sbx 3.1 and no one else did, the mod person would not be able to join because the data differs between the host and the client, they would get a checksum error.
But this is a COG and it is designed to pass checksum, so it wont matter if other players have it or not. If you still dont understand, then read on...
You all probably learned that something like.....
SetActorFlags(victim, 0x400000);
is 4 characters. This is true to some extents and not to others. You do have 4 characters in this line but you have 2 different TYPES of characters. I refer to them as types 1-4. This line contains 3 type 1 characters, and 1 type 2 character.
SetActorFlags, victim, 0x400000.....are the type 1 characters
().....is the type 2 character
Jedi Knight not only keeps a total character count but also seems to count the different type of characters.
SetActorFlags, 1, 0x1, GetSenderID, player, victim
these are your most common type and are easily interchanged between each other
(), *, &, +, -, !, /, |
again easily changed between each other
if, while, for
these are pretty picky and you cant really change them to something else (no changing if's to while's)
'0 0 0', {}
never did bother to look into these very deeply as to what they can be changed to. just always considered them their own type. i think the {} would probably be considered a 2 and can be changed with those
ok now we do this step by step for the retards.......
you have....
victim = FirstThingInView(player, 179, 999, 0x404);
but you dont care about that so you want to change it....i'll show you an easy way...
1. victim, FirstThingInView(player(), 179, 999, 0x404);
2. FirstThingInView(player(victim), 179, 999, 0x404);
3. SetTimerEx(0.0, 179, 999(victim), 0x404);
4. SetTimerEx(0.0, victim, GetThingSignature(victim), 0);
ok that might be a little excessive in showing how to do it but oh well i'm sure someone will still ask me about it even with it like that. it works much the same for everything else and if you are reading this you should be able to figure the rest out....one last thing i should point out though......
! = ()........NOT ! = (
1 pair of parenthesis is the same as an exclamation mark so dont let something dumb like that trick you.
one more exampe step by step to help pound the idea in.....
count = count + 1;
1. count(), count + 1;
2. count(), count(), 1;
3. count(1), count();
4. SetActorFlags(GetSourceRef(), 0x400000);
To pass checksum you have to keep the character count the same throughout the whole cog. # EAH_XxLuNaTiKxX
If you still dont understand anything ive said in this whole thread than just let it go because this whole crap is pissing me off.
eternity is the now ~ that never was
[This message has been edited by EAH_XxLuNaTiKxX (edited June 21, 2004).]
For example, if one player had a mod on,say, sbx 3.1 and no one else did, the mod person would not be able to join because the data differs between the host and the client, they would get a checksum error.
But this is a COG and it is designed to pass checksum, so it wont matter if other players have it or not. If you still dont understand, then read on...
You all probably learned that something like.....
SetActorFlags(victim, 0x400000);
is 4 characters. This is true to some extents and not to others. You do have 4 characters in this line but you have 2 different TYPES of characters. I refer to them as types 1-4. This line contains 3 type 1 characters, and 1 type 2 character.
SetActorFlags, victim, 0x400000.....are the type 1 characters
().....is the type 2 character
Jedi Knight not only keeps a total character count but also seems to count the different type of characters.
SetActorFlags, 1, 0x1, GetSenderID, player, victim
these are your most common type and are easily interchanged between each other
(), *, &, +, -, !, /, |
again easily changed between each other
if, while, for
these are pretty picky and you cant really change them to something else (no changing if's to while's)
'0 0 0', {}
never did bother to look into these very deeply as to what they can be changed to. just always considered them their own type. i think the {} would probably be considered a 2 and can be changed with those
ok now we do this step by step for the retards.......
you have....
victim = FirstThingInView(player, 179, 999, 0x404);
but you dont care about that so you want to change it....i'll show you an easy way...
1. victim, FirstThingInView(player(), 179, 999, 0x404);
2. FirstThingInView(player(victim), 179, 999, 0x404);
3. SetTimerEx(0.0, 179, 999(victim), 0x404);
4. SetTimerEx(0.0, victim, GetThingSignature(victim), 0);
ok that might be a little excessive in showing how to do it but oh well i'm sure someone will still ask me about it even with it like that. it works much the same for everything else and if you are reading this you should be able to figure the rest out....one last thing i should point out though......
! = ()........NOT ! = (
1 pair of parenthesis is the same as an exclamation mark so dont let something dumb like that trick you.
one more exampe step by step to help pound the idea in.....
count = count + 1;
1. count(), count + 1;
2. count(), count(), 1;
3. count(1), count();
4. SetActorFlags(GetSourceRef(), 0x400000);
To pass checksum you have to keep the character count the same throughout the whole cog. # EAH_XxLuNaTiKxX
If you still dont understand anything ive said in this whole thread than just let it go because this whole crap is pissing me off.
eternity is the now ~ that never was
[This message has been edited by EAH_XxLuNaTiKxX (edited June 21, 2004).]