Finally came up with a way to put functional projectiles through walls. I'm sure this has been done before, but not sure if anyone did it quite the way I did.
First of all, my 2 templates used were the default +repeaterball (I make it go through walls and people) and +punchcloud.
In my weapon cog, I have this:
Then, I add "message removed" to the symbols section of the weapon cog, and down farther add:
When the +repeaterball hits something, and is removed, it fires a +punchcloud out in front of it just a little ways. You fire a new +repeaterball and then teleport it to the +punchcloud and give it the proper LVec and approximately the correct velocity.
Why teleport? It puts the new projectile into the correct sector so it does damage. I'll be updating my checksum passing mod later tonight with this coding in action so you can see it if you don't wanna code it.
Quib Mask
P.S. - ClearWeaponFlags(error, 0x400); makes the projectile a jedi killer (isn't blocked by lightsaber). I did this so reflected shots would stop burrowing into the ground and causing minor slowdown.
Edit - Check and grab the new version of the Tool Box. Weapon 5's secondary shoots through walls. Other changes are just minor fine tuning. I added a Powerboost mode to the lightsaber: grab a Powerboost, switch to the inside (first person) view, and fire. I also added the Saber Bot as an available download. I use it on my JK "dedicated" server, so there's always something to fight... even if it's a deranged, easy-to-fool saber maniac.
[This message has been edited by Quib Mask (edited June 29, 2004).]
First of all, my 2 templates used were the default +repeaterball (I make it go through walls and people) and +punchcloud.
In my weapon cog, I have this:
error = FireProjectile(player, projectile3, fireSound2, 18, '0.0207 0.0888 0', '0 0 0', powerBoost*3, 0x2, 0, 0); CaptureThing(error); ClearWeaponFlags(error, 0x400);
Then, I add "message removed" to the symbols section of the weapon cog, and down farther add:
removed: if(VectorDist(GetThingPos(GetSenderRef()), GetThingPos(player)) < 10) { errorVec = FireProjectile(GetSenderRef(), projectile, -1, -1, '0 .125 0', '0 0 0', 0, 0, 0, 0); error = FireProjectile(player, projectile3, -1, -1, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', powerBoost*3, 0x2, 0, 0); CaptureThing(error); TeleportThing(error, errorVec); SetThingVel(error, VectorScale(GetThingLVec(GetSenderRef()), 4)); SetThingLook(error, GetThingLVec(GetSenderRef())); ClearWeaponFlags(error, 0x400); } Return;
When the +repeaterball hits something, and is removed, it fires a +punchcloud out in front of it just a little ways. You fire a new +repeaterball and then teleport it to the +punchcloud and give it the proper LVec and approximately the correct velocity.
Why teleport? It puts the new projectile into the correct sector so it does damage. I'll be updating my checksum passing mod later tonight with this coding in action so you can see it if you don't wanna code it.
Quib Mask
P.S. - ClearWeaponFlags(error, 0x400); makes the projectile a jedi killer (isn't blocked by lightsaber). I did this so reflected shots would stop burrowing into the ground and causing minor slowdown.
Edit - Check and grab the new version of the Tool Box. Weapon 5's secondary shoots through walls. Other changes are just minor fine tuning. I added a Powerboost mode to the lightsaber: grab a Powerboost, switch to the inside (first person) view, and fire. I also added the Saber Bot as an available download. I use it on my JK "dedicated" server, so there's always something to fight... even if it's a deranged, easy-to-fool saber maniac.
[This message has been edited by Quib Mask (edited June 29, 2004).]