Just finished touching up my notes on checksum. It's not comprehensive information, it's sorta just notes to help you if you already have a working understanding of how the checksum does its thing.
Quib Mask
Edit: stupid smiley code...
[This message has been edited by Quib Mask (edited July 10, 2004).]
# Jedi Knight Cog Checksum Notes # # CHECKSUM.TXT # # NOT A Script - Just info # # [QM] # # (C) 1997 LucasArts Entertainment Co. All Rights Reserved # ======================================================================================== Symbols that are equivalent operators - + / * % = == != > < >= <= ! && || & | ^ Return values, variables and verbs 1 X "text" call blah the () in X() are equivalent to an operator the X in X() is equivalent to a value, variable or verb # ........................................................................................ Code that isn't counted when calculating the checksum commas, such as 1, 1, 1; SetPulse(0), 1; semi-colons, such as 1; if(0); messages within the "code" area, such as activated: startup: stop_power: exceptions to these are semi-colons within a for() loop declaration (see the "Information about for() loops" section for specifics) in some force power cogs you can't move code from above to below stop_power: or vice versa (so its placement is crucial to passing checksum) # ........................................................................................ Vectors in '0 0 0' form these seem to be their own checksum type and can't be converted to or from the way to form a vector without this is VectorSet(0, 0, 0); keep in mind that you can't compare vectors with == if(VectorSet(0, 0, 0) == '0 0 0') won't work you'll need to use if(VectorDist(VectorSet(0, 0, 0), '0 0 0') == 0) or if(!(VectorDist(VectorSet(0, 0, 0), '0 0 0') == 0)) if(VectorDist(VectorSet(0, 0, 0), '0 0 0') != 0) won't work well, because != only works with integers it'll truncate the VectorDist() results # ........................................................................................ Useful conversions X(); is equivalent to -1; Return; is equivalent to - call blah; is equivalent to 1; if(1) is true if(0) is false # ........................................................................................ Information about for() loops if() sorta equals for() in a for() loop, the contained semi-colons (;) count as an operator -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, if(0) { } is equivalent to for(i=0; i<10; i=i+1) { } # ........................................................................................ Information concerning if() and else if(0) is equivalent to else {1;} in other words if is equivalent to else and (0) is equivalent to {1;} you just can't have if without the (0) though # ........................................................................................ Information on curly brackets and parenthesis {} is equivalent to () if(0) { } is equivalent to if((0)) however if(0) { } is NOT equivalent to if(X()) also if((0)) is NOT equivalent to if(X()) the () in X() is not the same as the () in (0) the () in X() is an operator, the () in (0) are brackets
Quib Mask
Edit: stupid smiley code...
[This message has been edited by Quib Mask (edited July 10, 2004).]