I need to get this figured out. I have a cog that makes a mat change when you step on a certain 3do. The problem is, lets say your the host. You step on the 3do and the mat shows to you, yes, but not to the other person watching. you cant see their mat show up but they can see theirs.
Please edit this cog so it will let everyone see everyone's mat.
the 3do has a mat before, when you step on it, a new mat on that 3do changes to the next cel. when you get off it goes back.
I need this one last cog finished before i submit to massassi.
Your Owners Clan Leaader,
[Code tags, please...]
[This message has been edited by GBK (edited July 21, 2004).]
Please edit this cog so it will let everyone see everyone's mat.
flags=0x40 symbols message entered message exited surface face thing stepping3do sound ping=sound.wav Material Mat end #....................... code entered: Setmaterialcel(Mat, 1); playsoundglobal(ping,1,0.0,0x0); movetoframe(key,1,5); return; exited: Setmaterialcel(Mat, 0); movetoframe(key,0,5); return; end
the 3do has a mat before, when you step on it, a new mat on that 3do changes to the next cel. when you get off it goes back.
I need this one last cog finished before i submit to massassi.
Your Owners Clan Leaader,
[Code tags, please...]
[This message has been edited by GBK (edited July 21, 2004).]