I know I posted a similar post just about a week ago, but this time I have a little more info on the problem:
I'm having the same problem again that I posted earlier in Freaky Crashing, but this time I totally rewrit the mod. The problem is that in multiplayer, as soon as I fire a rocket, the other player (was host too) turns into a random thing (usually first turns into the rocketsmoke model I use). Eventually, the game crashes probably because of the changing. I don't get this problem at all because I check the cogs and see nothing wrong. I'm starting to think it might be something in the rocket template, but I'm not sure at all so it may still be in the cogs. I'm hoping you guys can take a look and spot anything.
The problem always comes up as soon as I fire the a rocket from this weapon: Here are all cogs that control the weapon and anything with the projectiles:
this cog controls stuff that isn't necessary to be sent over in an MP game, attemp to reduce lag
this cog controls stuff with the weapon that should be sent over in an MP game
this controls the creation of the projectiles. ignore the unused code
this is the rocket's class cog. The SendMessage is sent is to turn off rocket camera on the creaton of a new rocket.
this is the class cog of the rocket smoke, since the other player always seems to turn into [ROCKETSMOKE1.3DO] first
and last, the problem may even be in the rocket's template information. yes, there are different cogs for the different rocket types, but it still does it with ANY rocket, and so I posted the the class cog of the simplest rocket
Might want to check the "typeflags" because to get the rocket to explode right, I randomly fiddled with that to get it to work...
everything works perfect in and exactly how I expect it in single player, but this problem always comes up in MP.
I'm completly out of ideas. Am I the only one who's ever had this problem in JK before??!? Any ideas? This would be the next greatest help for the UR Mod.
I am _ Ace_1 _ , and I approve this message.
[This message has been edited by Ace1 (edited August 02, 2004).]
[This message has been edited by Ace1 (edited August 02, 2004).]
I'm having the same problem again that I posted earlier in Freaky Crashing, but this time I totally rewrit the mod. The problem is that in multiplayer, as soon as I fire a rocket, the other player (was host too) turns into a random thing (usually first turns into the rocketsmoke model I use). Eventually, the game crashes probably because of the changing. I don't get this problem at all because I check the cogs and see nothing wrong. I'm starting to think it might be something in the rocket template, but I'm not sure at all so it may still be in the cogs. I'm hoping you guys can take a look and spot anything.
The problem always comes up as soon as I fire the a rocket from this weapon: Here are all cogs that control the weapon and anything with the projectiles:
this cog controls stuff that isn't necessary to be sent over in an MP game, attemp to reduce lag
# Jedi Knight Cog Script flags=0x240 symbols model NoPovModel=crosshairs2.3do local sound outSound=pistout1.wav local template projectile=+bryarbolt local thing player local flex weaponRating=500.0 local flex fireDelay=1.0 local flex bfireDelay=0.6 local flex reloadTime=1.75 local int weaponActionCog=187 local int weaponPovCog=160 local int povShootID=2 local int povLWhipID=4 local int povRWhipID=5 local int povReloadID=3 local int curUsedWeapon=7 local int ArmWait=1.5 local int FireWait=1.5 local int mode local int ammocounter=15 local int ammobin=15 local int magazineSize=10 local int nextwhip=0 local int reloading=0 local message autoselect message selected message deselected message activated message deactivated message timer message user1 message user2 end # ======================================================================================== code # ........................................................................................ autoselect: player = GetSourceRef(); if(GetInv(player, curUsedWeapon) != 0.0) { ReturnEx(weaponRating); } else { ReturnEx(-1.0); } Return; # ........................................................................................ selected: player = GetSourceRef(); SetCurWeapon(player, curUsedWeapon); SetMountWait(player, ArmWait); jkSetPOVModel(player, NoPovModel); reloading = 0; jkSetWaggle(player, '0.0 0.0 0.0', 0); Print("Selected"); SendMessageEx(GetInvCog(player, weaponActionCog), user0, player, 0, 0, 10); SetInv(player, 21, 1); SetInv(player, 22, 1); SetInv(player, 23, 1); SetInvAvailable(player, 21, 1); SetInvAvailable(player, 22, 1); SetInvAvailable(player, 23, 1); Return; # ........................................................................................ deselected: player = GetSourceRef(); SendMessageEx(GetInvCog(player, weaponActionCog), user0, player, 0, 0, 20); Return; # ........................................................................................ activated: player = GetSourceRef(); mode = GetSenderRef(); if(GetInv(player, 163) != 0) { Return; } SetMountWait(player, fireDelay); if(mode == 0) { if(GetInv(player, ammobin) == 0) { SendMessageEx(GetInvCog(player, weaponActionCog), user0, player, 0, 0, 32); Return; } else { if(firemode == 0) { if(damagemode == 0) { SendMessageEx(GetInvCog(player, weaponActionCog), user0, player, 0, 0, 300); } if(damagemode == 1) { SendMessageEx(GetInvCog(player, weaponActionCog), user0, player, 0, 0, 301); } if(damagemode == 2) { SendMessageEx(GetInvCog(player, weaponActionCog), user0, player, 0, 0, 302); } } if(firemode == 1) { if(damagemode == 0) { SendMessageEx(GetInvCog(player, weaponActionCog), user0, player, 0, 0, 310); } if(damagemode == 1) { SendMessageEx(GetInvCog(player, weaponActionCog), user0, player, 0, 0, 311); } if(damagemode == 2) { SendMessageEx(GetInvCog(player, weaponActionCog), user0, player, 0, 0, 312); } } if(firemode == 2) { if(damagemode == 0) { SendMessageEx(GetInvCog(player, weaponActionCog), user0, player, 0, 0, 320); } if(damagemode == 1) { SendMessageEx(GetInvCog(player, weaponActionCog), user0, player, 0, 0, 321); } if(damagemode == 2) { SendMessageEx(GetInvCog(player, weaponActionCog), user0, player, 0, 0, 322); } } ChangeInv(player, 15, -1.0); } } if(mode == 1) { SendMessageEx(GetInvCog(player, weaponActionCog), user0, player, 0, 0, 350); SendMessageEx(GetInvCog(player, 164), user0, player, 0, 0, 71); } Return; # ........................................................................................ deactivated: player = GetSourceRef(); mode = GetSenderRef(); Return; # ........................................................................................ timer: timerID = GetSenderID(); parameter0 = GetParam(0); parameter1 = GetParam(1); if(timerID == 1) { magazine = 0; reloading = 0; Print("Reloaded"); } Return; # ........................................................................................ user1: if(reloading != 1) { SetTimerEx(reloadTime, 1, 0, 0); reloading = 1; SetInv(player, weaponPovCog, povReloadID); SendMessageEx(GetInvCog(player, weaponActionCog), user0, player, 0, 0, 40); } Return; # ........................................................................................ user2: if((GetParam(3) == 10) && (reloading != 1)) { if(firemode == 0) { Print("Firemode set to Seeking"); firemode = 1; } else if(firemode == 1) { Print("Firemode set to Guided"); firemode = 2; } else if(firemode == 2) { Print("Firemode set to Normal"); firemode = 0; } } else if((GetParam(3) == 20) && (reloading != 1)) { if(damagemode == 0) { Print("You are using Cluster Rockets"); damagemode = 1; } else if(damagemode == 1) { Print("You are using Stun Rockets"); damagemode = 2; } else if(damagemode == 2) { Print("You are using Concussion Rockets"); damagemode = 0; } call user1; } Return; # ........................................................................................ end
this cog controls stuff with the weapon that should be sent over in an MP game
# Jedi Knight Cog Script symbols model weaponMesh=plxg.3do local sound mountSound=df_rif_ready.wav local sound dismountSound=PutWeaponAway01.wav local sound fireSound=RailChargeFire01.wav local sound outSound=RailChargeEmpty01.wav local template projectile=+nineshot local template projectile2=+punch local thing player local flex autoAimFOV=30 local flex autoAimMaxDist=5 local int curArmedMode=1 local int dummy local message user0 end # ======================================================================================== code # ........................................................................................ user0: player = GetParam(0); xoff = GetParam(1); yoff = GetParam(2); msgID = GetParam(3); Print("Weapon Action"); if(msgID == 10) { call selectWeap; } if(msgID == 20) { call deselectWeap; } if(msgID == 300) { call fireShotNCN; } if(msgID == 301) { call fireShotNCL; } if(msgID == 302) { call fireShotNS; } if(msgID == 310) { call fireShotSCN; } if(msgID == 311) { call fireShotSCL; } if(msgID == 312) { call fireShotSS; } if(msgID == 320) { call fireShotCCN; } if(msgID == 321) { call fireShotCCL; } if(msgID == 322) { call fireShotCS; } if(msgID == 350) { call detonateShots; } if(msgID == 31) { call fireReload; } if(msgID == 32) { call fireOut; } if(msgID == 35) { call fireWhip; } if(msgID == 40) { call reload; } Return; # ........................................................................................ selectWeap: jkSetWeaponMesh(player, weaponMesh); SendTrigger(-1, 770, player, 2, xoff, yoff); SetArmedMode(player, curArmedMode); PlayMode(player, 41); PlaySoundThing(mountSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); Return; # ........................................................................................ deselectWeap: SendTrigger(-1, 775, player, 2, xoff, yoff); Return; # ........................................................................................ fireShot: SendTrigger(-1, 200, player, 2, xoff, yoff); PlaySoundThing(fireSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); Return; # ........................................................................................ fireShotNCN: SendTrigger(-1, 700, player, 2, xoff, yoff); PlaySoundThing(fireSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); Return; # ........................................................................................ fireShotNCL: SendTrigger(-1, 701, player, 2, xoff, yoff); PlaySoundThing(fireSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); Return; # ........................................................................................ fireShotNS: SendTrigger(-1, 702, player, 2, xoff, yoff); PlaySoundThing(fireSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); Return; # ........................................................................................ fireShotSCN: SendTrigger(-1, 710, player, 2, xoff, yoff); PlaySoundThing(fireSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); Return; # ........................................................................................ fireShotSCL: SendTrigger(-1, 711, player, 2, xoff, yoff); PlaySoundThing(fireSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); Return; # ........................................................................................ fireShotSS: SendTrigger(-1, 712, player, 2, xoff, yoff); PlaySoundThing(fireSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); Return; # ........................................................................................ fireShotCCN: SendTrigger(-1, 720, player, 2, xoff, yoff); PlaySoundThing(fireSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); Return; # ........................................................................................ fireShotCCL: SendTrigger(-1, 721, player, 2, xoff, yoff); PlaySoundThing(fireSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); Return; # ........................................................................................ fireShotCS: SendTrigger(-1, 722, player, 2, xoff, yoff); PlaySoundThing(fireSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); Return; # ........................................................................................ detonateShots: SendTrigger(-1, 750, player, 2, xoff, yoff); Return; # ........................................................................................ fireWhip: dummy = FireProjectile(player, projectile2, -1, 15, '0 0.05 0.02', '0 0 0', 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); Return; # ........................................................................................ fireReload: PlaySoundThing(rldSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); Return; # ........................................................................................ fireOut: PlaySoundThing(outSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); Return; # ........................................................................................ reload: PlaySoundThing(rldSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); PlayMode(player, 41); Return; end
this controls the creation of the projectiles. ignore the unused code
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # CLIENT_WEAPONRY.COG flags=0x240 symbols int player local int weapon local int dummy=0 local int trigID local int controlbin=163 local flex Xaimoff local flex Yaimoff local template lightblast=+pistolbolt local template heavyblast=+riflebolt local template rocketncn=+rocketncn local template rocketncl=+rocketncl local template rocketns=+rocketns local template rocketscn=+rocketscn local template rocketscl=+rocketscl local template rocketss=+rocketss local template rocketccn=+rocketccn local template rocketccl=+rocketccl local template rocketcs=+rocketcs local message trigger message timer end # ======================================================================================== code trigger: trigID = GetSourceRef(); player = GetParam(0); weapon = GetParam(1); Xaimoff = GetParam(2); Yaimoff = GetParam(3); if(trigID == 200) { dummy = FireProjectile(player, lightblast, -1, 8, '0.023 0.05 0.0085', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); } if(trigID == 201) { dummy = FireProjectile(player, heavyblast, -1, 8, '0.023 0.05 0.0085', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); } if(trigID == 202) { dummy = FireProjectile(player, heavyblast, -1, 8, '0.023 0.05 0.0085', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); dummy = FireProjectile(player, lightblast, -1, 8, '0.023 0.05 0.0085', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); } if(trigID == 203) { dummy = FireProjectile(player, heavyblast, -1, 8, '0.023 0.05 0.0085', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); dummy = FireProjectile(player, heavyblast, -1, 8, '0.023 0.05 0.0085', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); } if(trigID == 204) { dummy = FireProjectile(player, heavyblast, -1, 8, '0.023 0.05 0.0085', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); dummy = FireProjectile(player, heavyblast, -1, 8, '0.023 0.05 0.0085', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); dummy = FireProjectile(player, heavyblast, -1, 8, '0.023 0.05 0.0085', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); } if(trigID == 700) { dummy = FireProjectile(player, rocketncn, -1, 8, '0.035 0.05 0.015', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); } if(trigID == 701) { dummy = FireProjectile(player, rocketncl, -1, 8, '0.035 0.05 0.015', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); } if(trigID == 702) { dummy = FireProjectile(player, rocketns, -1, 8, '0.035 0.05 0.015', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); } if(trigID == 710) { dummy = FireProjectile(player, rocketscn, -1, 8, '0.035 0.05 0.015', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); } if(trigID == 711) { dummy = FireProjectile(player, rocketscl, -1, 8, '0.035 0.05 0.015', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); } if(trigID == 712) { dummy = FireProjectile(player, rocketss, -1, 8, '0.035 0.05 0.015', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); } if(trigID == 720) { dummy = FireProjectile(player, rocketccn, -1, 8, '0.035 0.05 0.015', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); } if(trigID == 721) { dummy = FireProjectile(player, rocketccl, -1, 8, '0.035 0.05 0.015', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); } if(trigID == 722) { dummy = FireProjectile(player, rocketcs, -1, 8, '0.035 0.05 0.015', VectorSet(Xaimoff, Yaimoff, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); } if(trigID == 750) { for(i=0; i<=GetThingCount(); i=i+1) { if((GetThingModel(i) == LoadModel("rld0.3do")) && (GetThingParent(i) == player)) { FireProjectile(i, LoadTemplate("+raildet_exp"), -1, -1, '0.0 0.0 0.0', '0 0 0', 1.0, 0x20, 0, 0); } } } if(trigID == 770) { ParseArg(player, "puppet=kyplx.pup"); } if(trigID == 775) { ParseArg(player, "puppet=ky.pup"); } if(trigID == 1500) { Print("Weapons have been ENABLED"); SetInv(jkGetLocalPlayer(), controlBin, 0); } if(trigID == 1505) { Print("Weapons have been DISABLED"); SetInv(jkGetLocalPlayer(), controlBin, 1); } if(trigID == 1510) { Print("Movement has been ENABLED"); } if(trigID == 1515) { Print("Movement has been DISABLED"); } Return; # ........................................................................................ timer: if(GetParam(0) == 3) { shooter = GetSenderID(); dummy = FireProjectile(shooter, nineshot, -1, 8, '0.0225 0.05 0.0175', VectorSet((Rand()-0.5)*6, (Rand()-0.5)*6, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); SetTimerEx(0.125, shooter, 3, 3); } if(GetParam(0) == 6) { shooter = GetSenderID(); dummy = FireProjectile(shooter, rifleshot, -1, 8, '0.0225 0.05 0.0175', VectorSet((Rand()-0.5)*2.5, (Rand()-0.5)*2.5, 0), 1.0, 0x20, 30, 60); SetTimerEx(0.125, shooter, 6, 6); } Return; # ........................................................................................ end
this is the rocket's class cog. The SendMessage is sent is to turn off rocket camera on the creaton of a new rocket.
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # CLASS_ROCKET1.COG # # Leave a smoke trail behind a moving object flags=0x240 symbols template smoke=+rocketsmoke local int dummy local message created message pulse end # ======================================================================================== code created: if(GetThingModel(GetSenderRef()) != LoadModel("rld0.3do")) { Return; } SetThingPulse(GetSenderRef(), 0.05); // set 50 msec timer for smoke release rocket1 = GetSenderRef(); shooter = GetThingParent(rocket1); ourcurrentplayer = jkGetLocalPlayer(); if(ourcurrentplayer == shooter) { SendMessageEx(GetInvCog(shooter, 164), user0, shooter, rocket1, 0, 71); } Return; # ........................................................................................ pulse: dummy = CreateThing(smoke, GetSenderRef()); // create smoke at our current location Return; end
this is the class cog of the rocket smoke, since the other player always seems to turn into [ROCKETSMOKE1.3DO] first
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # This controls smoke # # __Ace_1__ flags=0x240 symbols int smoke local message created message timer end # ======================================================================================== code created: smoke = GetSenderRef(); if(GetThingTemplate(smoke) != LoadTemplate("+rocketsmoke")) { Return; } SetTimerEx(0.5, 2, smoke, 2); SetTimerEx(1.0, 3, smoke, 3); Return; # ........................................................................................ timer: smoke = GetParam(0); If(GetParam(1) == 2) { if(GetThingTemplate(smoke) == LoadTemplate("+rocketsmoke")) { SetThingModel(smoke, LoadModel("rocketsmoke2.3do")); } } If(GetParam(1) == 3) { if(GetThingTemplate(smoke) == LoadTemplate("+rocketsmoke")) { SetThingModel(smoke, LoadModel("rocketsmoke3.3do")); } } Return; # ........................................................................................ end
and last, the problem may even be in the rocket's template information. yes, there are different cogs for the different rocket types, but it still does it with ANY rocket, and so I posted the the class cog of the simplest rocket
_newweapon none orient=(0.000000/0.000000/0.000000) type=weapon collide=1 move=physics thingflags=0x20000000 timer=10.000000 mass=5.000000 physflags=0x200 maxrotvel=360.000000 damageclass=0x2 typeflags=0x1 _newexplosion none orient=(0.000000/0.000000/0.000000) type=explosion typeflags=0x1 damageclass=0x4 +rocketsmoke _newweapon collide=0 thingflags=0x20000400 cog=class_rsmoke.cog timer=1.500000 model3d=rocketsmoke1.3do mass=0.000001 size=0.000001 movesize=0.000001 maxrotvel=0.000000 vel=(0.000000/0.000000/0.000001) damage=1.000000 mindamage=0.000001 typeflags=0x28440d rate=15.000000 +stunsphere _newweapon type=cog collide=0 thingflags=0x20000400 cog=class_stunboom.cog timer=0.250000 model3d=stunexp1.3do mass=0.000001 size=0.000001 movesize=0.000001 maxrotvel=0.000000 vel=(0.000000/0.000000/0.000001) damage=0.000000 mindamage=0.000000 typeflags=0x0 rate=15.000000 +concsphere _newweapon type=cog collide=0 thingflags=0x20000400 cog=class_concboom.cog timer=0.250000 model3d=concexp1.3do mass=0.000001 size=0.000001 movesize=0.000001 maxrotvel=0.000000 vel=(0.000000/0.000000/0.000001) damage=0.000000 mindamage=0.000000 typeflags=0x0 rate=15.000000 +stunning_exp _newexplosion thingflags=0x0 creatething=+stunsphere timer=0.600000 sprite=conx.spr soundclass=exp_conc.snd typeflags=0x17 damage=300.000000 blasttime=0.500000 force=10.000000 range=0.750000 +nconcussion_exp _newexplosion thingflags=0x0 creatething=+concsphere timer=0.600000 sprite=rldx.spr soundclass=exp_conc.snd typeflags=0x17 damage=300.000000 blasttime=0.500000 force=500.000000 range=0.750000 +clusterpiece _newweapon timer=1.000000 thingflags=0x20000401 cog=class_burntrail.cog light=0.400000 model3d=shrp_2.3do size=0.000100 movesize=0.000100 maxrotvel=360.000000 vel=(0.000000/1.500000/0.000000) angvel=(0.000000/0.000000/360.000000) explode=+nconcussion_exp fleshhit=+nconcussion_exp damage=6000.000000 damageclass=0x8 mindamage=5000.000000 typeflags=0x40309 rate=15.000000 +cluster_exp _newexplosion thingflags=0x0 creatething=+concsphere timer=0.600000 sprite=rldx.spr soundclass=exp_conc.snd typeflags=0x17 damage=300.000000 blasttime=0.500000 force=500.000000 range=0.750000 debris=+clusterpiece debris=+clusterpiece debris=+clusterpiece debris=+clusterpiece debris=+clusterpiece +rocketncn _newweapon timer=60.000000 thingflags=0x20000401 cog=class_rocket1.cog light=1.000000 model3d=rld0.3do size=0.000001 movesize=0.000001 soundclass=rail.snd maxrotvel=0.000000 vel=(0.000000/4.000000/0.000000) angvel=(0.000000/0.000000/0.000000) explode=+nconcussion_exp fleshhit=+nconcussion_exp damageclass=0x4 damage=80.000000 mindamage=55.000000 typeflags=0x204314 rate=5.000000 +rocketncl +rocketncn vel=(0.000000/3.000000/0.000000) explode=+cluster_exp fleshhit=+cluster_exp +rocketns +rocketncn vel=(0.000000/4.000000/0.000000) explode=+stunning_exp fleshhit=+stunning_exp +rocketscn +rocketncn cog=class_seekrocket1.cog vel=(0.000000/4.000000/0.000000) explode=+nconcussion_exp fleshhit=+nconcussion_exp +rocketscl +rocketncn cog=class_seekrocket1.cog vel=(0.000000/3.000000/0.000000) explode=+cluster_exp fleshhit=+cluster_exp +rocketss +rocketncn cog=class_seekrocket1.cog vel=(0.000000/4.000000/0.000000) explode=+stunning_exp fleshhit=+stunning_exp +rocketccn +rocketncn cog=class_camrocket1.cog vel=(0.000000/4.000000/0.000000) explode=+nconcussion_exp fleshhit=+nconcussion_exp +rocketccl +rocketncn cog=class_camrocket1.cog vel=(0.000000/3.000000/0.000000) explode=+cluster_exp fleshhit=+cluster_exp +rocketcs +rocketncn cog=class_camrocket1.cog vel=(0.000000/4.000000/0.000000) explode=+stunning_exp fleshhit=+stunning_exp
Might want to check the "typeflags" because to get the rocket to explode right, I randomly fiddled with that to get it to work...
everything works perfect in and exactly how I expect it in single player, but this problem always comes up in MP.
I'm completly out of ideas. Am I the only one who's ever had this problem in JK before??!? Any ideas? This would be the next greatest help for the UR Mod.
I am _ Ace_1 _ , and I approve this message.
[This message has been edited by Ace1 (edited August 02, 2004).]
[This message has been edited by Ace1 (edited August 02, 2004).]
I am _ Ace_1 _ , and I approve this message.