I make this level/project, and I leave it alone for quite sometime (let's say half a year). I return to it, play a bit, find something's missing. I open the COG, add 10 new symbols and a few lines of code to go with them, try the game again, and guess what happens.
Nothing has changed! It is as if I never changed the COG. Yes, I refreshed the COG place, added what was needed to be added, and nothing! I thought I did a mistake in a code line so I tried for some test prints. They didn't show! Like if I never put them there!
Here's the COG:
[edit] The changes would be the fireone array and the part between KillTimerEx() and SetTimerEx() in the damaged message
[This message has been edited by Edward (edited August 04, 2004).]
I make this level/project, and I leave it alone for quite sometime (let's say half a year). I return to it, play a bit, find something's missing. I open the COG, add 10 new symbols and a few lines of code to go with them, try the game again, and guess what happens.
Nothing has changed! It is as if I never changed the COG. Yes, I refreshed the COG place, added what was needed to be added, and nothing! I thought I did a mistake in a code line so I tried for some test prints. They didn't show! Like if I never put them there!
Here's the COG:
# Fly a ship 2. # # By Edward flags=0x240 symbols message startup message activated message damaged message touched message pulse message trigger message timer message removed message speed thing ship local thing startpos thing hidden thing player local template smoke template shippy thing look local template looker=+bryarbolt local template fireone0 template fireone1 template fireone2 template fireone3 template fireone4 template fireone5 template fireone6 template fireone7 template fireone8 template fireone9 template fireone10 template firetwo sound fireonesnd sound firetwosnd surface firea0 mask=0xFFF surface firea1 mask=0xFFF surface firea2 mask=0xFFF surface firea3 mask=0xFFF surface firea4 mask=0xFFF surface firea5 mask=0xFFF surface fireb mask=0xFFF sound engine sound inengine int in=0 local int ch1=1 local int ch2=2 local flex gas=0 local flex gasx=0 local flex gass=0 local vector randomvec local int i local int trigging int mores=0 local thing gh local thing gh2 local template ghost vector vec local flex speedy local flex newlvec local flex lvecdist local flex oldlvec local flex lookvec local flex speedflex local int boostvar=0 local end # code startup: sleep(4); ship=CreateThing(shippy,startpos); captureThing(ship); return; activated: if(GetSenderRef()==ship) { if(in==1) return; player=GetSourceRef(); ch2=PlaySoundLocal(inengine,.5,0,0x1); SetActorFlags(player,0x8); SetCameraFocus(0,ship); SetCameraFocus(1,ship); SendTrigger(-1,trigging,player,0,0,0); } else { if(in==0) return; ChangeSoundPitch(ch2,0.1,3); SetTimerEx(1,10,0,0); SendTrigger(-1,trigging,-1,0,0,0); } return; pulse: SetInv(player, 11, 100); // Energy SetInv(player, 12, 100); // Power SetInv(player, 15, 30); // Railcharges SetInv(player, 8, 30); // Sequencer charges SetInv(player, 4, 30); // TD SetInv(player, 9, 1); // Concussion Rifle SetInv(player, 7, 1); SetInv(player, 5, 1); SetInv(player, 3, 1); SetInv(player, 2, 1); SetInv(player, 1, 1); SetInv(player, 10, 1); gas=VectorY(GetThingThrust(player))/4; gasx=VectorX(GetThingThrust(player)); gass=gass+gas; look = FireProjectile(player, looker, -1, 8, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 1, 0x0, 0, 0); SetThingLook(ship, GetThingLVec(look)); //SetThingVel(ship, VectorScale(GetThingLVec(ship), gass)); call speed; DestroyThing(look); DetachThing(ship); FireProjectile(ship,smoke,-1,-1,'0 -.1 0','0 0 0',0,0,0,0); printflex(gas); printflex(gass); printflex(speedy); printvector(GetThingLVec(ship)); jkPrintUniString(-1, trigging); if(gass<0) { ChangeSoundPitch(ch1,-(gass/10),0.01); ChangeSoundPitch(ch2,-(gass/10),0.01); } else { ChangeSoundPitch(ch1,gass/10,0.01); ChangeSoundPitch(ch2,gass/10,0.01); } return; damaged: for(i=0; i<6; i=i+1) { if(GetSenderRef()==firea0) { KillTimerEx(4); if(mores!=0) { randomvec=RandVec(); } else { randomvec=VectorSet(0,0,0); } FireProjectile(ship,fireone0[GetCurWeapon(player)],fireonesnd,-1,randomvec,randomvec,gass+0.01,1,0,0); mores=1; SetTimerEx(.1,4,0,0); } } return; touched: if(GetSenderRef()==fireb) { FireProjectile(ship,firetwo,firetwosnd,-1,'0 0 0','0 0 0',gass+0.01,1,0,0); } return; trigger: if(GetSourceRef()!=trigging) return; if(GetParam(0)!=-1) player=GetParam(0); if(in==0) { SetPulse(0.01); ClearPhysicsFlags(ship,1); ch1=PlaySoundThing(engine,ship,1,1,10,0x81); teleportThing(player,hidden); in=1; gas=0; gasx=0; gass=0; } else if(in==1) { in=2; SetPhysicsFlags(ship,1); gas=0; gasx=0; gass=0; ChangeSoundPitch(ch1,0.1,1); StopSound(ch1,1); SetPulse(0); printflex(gas); printflex(gass); print("+========+"); printvector(GetThingLVec(ship)); jkPrintUniString(-1, trigging); sleep(1); TeleportThing(player,ship); in=0; } return; timer: if(GetSenderID()==10) { SetCameraFocus(0,player); SetCameraFocus(1,player); StopSound(ch2,0.1); ClearActorFlags(player,0x8); } else if(GetSenderID()==4) { mores=0; } return; removed: if(GetSenderRef()==ship) { TeleportThing(player,ship); ship=CreateThing(shippy,startpos); gas=0; gasx=0; gass=0; ChangeSoundPitch(ch1,0.1,1); StopSound(ch1,1); SetPulse(0); } return; #------------------------------------------------------------ speed:// Apply force to the missile, and slow it down when it turns so much. #SaberMaster's work. MW... vec=GetThingVel(ship); speedy=VectorLen(vec); newlvec=Getthinglvec(ship); lvecdist=VectorDist(newlvec, oldlvec); oldlvec=newlvec; if(speedy > gass && lvecdist > 0.1) Setthingvel(ship, VectorScale(vec, .75)); ApplyForce(ship, VectorScale(newlvec, gass)); Return; #------------------------------------------------------------ end
[edit] The changes would be the fireone array and the part between KillTimerEx() and SetTimerEx() in the damaged message
[This message has been edited by Edward (edited August 04, 2004).]