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ForumsCog Forum → Creating so many objects, and still need space for projectiles
Creating so many objects, and still need space for projectiles
2004-08-21, 11:28 AM #1
I've gotten suggestions to add some random objects for my JKArena to pass by. Problem is, I'm not sure how to go about it. I have this long corridor and, I'm not sure if it's going to be canyon, deep space, or death star. Maybe I should just bunch them together... Anyway, I've counted all the metal objects in the template list, and I see I'm going to run into a symbols limit. Not only that, but as they are going to be placed randomly, and possibly so many, I'm not sure when they're going to hit the other side, so I don't know when to destroy them. Nor am I sure if I'm going to create them 55 miles ahead of the arena, or right where the main sector starts (150 meters). Of course, alot of the static objects (not ships or vehicls, but rocks, catwalks, misc) are going to be created 'in the wall'. Now, what I want is:

What is the symbols limit?
How do I test to see if an object has reached the other side?
And help me with some of my decision?


Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-08-21, 12:08 PM #2
Maybe to cut down a little on the number of things you're creating, you could make "patches" of them instead of making them all individually.

You could also create the objects and SetLifeLeft() them (or use an extended timer) so they are destroyed after so much time. The delay would probably have to be achieved through a little bit of trial-and-error.

I don't know of any symbols limit though. How many do you have right now?

nytfyre m0d || f33l t3h p0w3r || t3h l0st c0gz || OMF > *
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2004-08-21, 1:26 PM #3
I have 2 messages, an x value, and 10 templates. I'd like to know the limit so I can take what's nessaccery.

And I don't like the idea about patches... Things can get a little repetative. I like varity. Might give the impression of a long stretch.

And yeah, giving them timers came to me right after I submittes this topic.

*sigh* I need a better comp and game (with an easy editor like JED).

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-08-22, 10:08 AM #4
Well, timer may not be necessary, you could set it so there's an adjoin, that they pass when out of range. When something goes through the adjoin, damage the thing greatly, and then just modify the class_cog's damaged: message, to destroy the thing. This would make it so once they are out of range, they are automatically destroyed, I believe.

_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come

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