Well I need to be able to have a .pup file change when called on by a cog for a player, and since 5 armedmodes of 1 pup file isn't enough, ParseArg would be ideal. However, it wouldn't be synched over the connection!
Any ideas?
What about if you destroything(player) and create instantly the same player template with a different pup file? Sounds like monkey business to me.
Is it even possible to have more than 5 pup modes??
BTW, what calls the pup armed modes for underwater swimming? I tried changing them (because my level has no water) & using SetArmedMode to it but it has flaws
nil nip nada zip zero naught lip zil
Any ideas?
What about if you destroything(player) and create instantly the same player template with a different pup file? Sounds like monkey business to me.
Is it even possible to have more than 5 pup modes??
BTW, what calls the pup armed modes for underwater swimming? I tried changing them (because my level has no water) & using SetArmedMode to it but it has flaws
nil nip nada zip zero naught lip zil
This is retarded, and I mean drooling at the mouth