I am stuck trying to write a cog. The first part is fine - the touched message creates three creatures that you go hunting etc.
This is a 'mission', and the idea is that when you have killed all the creatures, the objective will be completed. But I can't write a piece of code to detect if all the creatures have been killed. I put a section in the killed message of their actor cog - but the objective was completed after only one creature died. Also, I've tried reading the health of the creatures with GetHealthThing (), and it often comes back as -1. Can anyone help me?
And here is my attempt at a killed message to see if all three creatures are dead:
This is a 'mission', and the idea is that when you have killed all the creatures, the objective will be completed. But I can't write a piece of code to detect if all the creatures have been killed. I put a section in the killed message of their actor cog - but the objective was completed after only one creature died. Also, I've tried reading the health of the creatures with GetHealthThing (), and it often comes back as -1. Can anyone help me?
symbols thing object thing bug0 thing bug1 thing bug2 template bugType=darosian_mite sound wav0 int X=0 local int pandora=0 int bugsaGoGo local int bugsLife0 local int bugsLife1 local int bugsLife2 local model openBox=crtz.3do message touched end code startup: Sleep(0.5); bugsaGoGo = 0; return; touched: player = GetSenderID(); if (GetSenderID() == player) { if(pandora == bugsaGoGo) { for (X=0;X<3;X=X+1) CreateThing(bugType, bug0[X]); for (X=0;X<3;X=X+1) SetThingHealth(bug0[X], 10); SetThingModel(object, openBox); Print("SITH OFFICER: Typical! You've let the Darosian hunting mites out!"); Print ("SITH OFFICER: Maybe you'd better find a way to get rid of them, seeing as its your fault."); Print ("SITH OFFICER: Or would you rather spend a night in the detention wing?"); PlaySoundThing(wav0, object, 1, -1, -1, 0); questPlayer = GetLocalPlayerThing(); SetGoalFlags(questPlayer, 4, 1); bugsAgogo = bugsaGoGo + 1; }} return; end
And here is my attempt at a killed message to see if all three creatures are dead:
killed: for (X=0;X<3;X=X+1) bug0[X] = GetSenderID(); for (X=0;X<3;X=X+1) bugsLife0[X] = GetThingHealth(); if (GetSenderID() == bug0) call bug0died; else if (GetSenderID() == bug1) call bug1died; else if (GetSenderID() == bug2) call bug2died; else return; bug0died: if (bugsLife1 >0 && bugsLife2 >0) { Print("Bug 0 is dead, but you still gotta find some bugs..."); return; } else { questPlayer = GetLocalPlayerThing(); SetGoalFlags(questplayer, 4, 2); PlaySoundThing(wav1, questplayer, 1, -1, -1, 0); Print("You killed all the little critters ... shame on you!"); return; } bug1died: if (bugsLife0 >0 && bugsLife2 >0) { Print("Bug 1 is dead, but you still gotta find some bugs..."); return; } else { questPlayer = GetLocalPlayerThing(); SetGoalFlags(questplayer, 4, 2); PlaySoundThing(wav1, questplayer, 1, -1, -1, 0); Print("You killed all the little critters ... shame on you!"); return; } return; bug2died: if (bugsLife0 >0 && bugsLife1 >0) { Print("Bug 2 is dead, but you still gotta find some bugs..."); return; } else { questPlayer = GetLocalPlayerThing(); SetGoalFlags(questplayer, 4, 2); PlaySoundThing(wav1, questplayer, 1, -1, -1, 0); Print("You killed all the little critters ... shame on you!"); return; } end