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ForumsCog Forum → Ghost Sound Cog
Ghost Sound Cog
2004-10-04, 3:25 PM #1
Hey guys, would anyone mind whipping me up a simple cog? Well, I know I've asked for this cog before, but I've lost it, I need a cog that plays a sound (looping) from a ghost position, and gets quieter and quieter as you go away from it..., it's for a part of my level with music in it (cantina), so I want you to be able to faintly here it from outside, I don't feel like setting each sector to have the sound, it wouldn't work right ,and it would be tedious, so if anyone knows how to make a cog like that, would you mind doing it for me? Thanks!
2004-10-04, 6:00 PM #2
Untested, but I think this'll work:
# ghostsound.cog
# Plays a sound at a ghost position
# ghost = position of sound
# sound = sound to play
# volume = max volume to play sound
# distance = max distance that the sound can be heard
# 10/4/04 Stormtrooper
message startup
thing ghost
sound sound
flex volume=1
flex distance=1
# ===
 PlaySoundThing(sound, ghost, volume, 0, distance, 0x1);

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