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ForumsCog Forum → Another Cog
Another Cog
2004-10-05, 8:40 PM #1
Okay guys, I need a cog (I know, I'm helpless), that when you select an object with the 'use' button, it plays a sound, and some text , i want to be able to change the text to my liking in CogWriter, so I can do this with multiple objects, so it won't just play the same text message.. thanks!
2004-10-05, 11:30 PM #2
# Jedi Knight Cog Script
# monoxide.COG
# This cog plays a sound and some text upon activation of a thing.
# 6/10/04 [a_person]
# This Cog is Not supported by LucasArts Entertainment Co


message    activated

sound      playsnd
thing      actthing
flex       sndvol


# ==============================================


PlaySoundLocal(playsnd, sndvol, 1, 0x1000);
print("Text goes here");


Do I need to make a check to check that its the particular thing being activated?
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2004-10-06, 3:25 PM #3
^^ not in this case, since the only thing in the cog that will send the activated message is the actthing.

However, if you had 2 actthings, and you wanted to print something different for each one, then you would need a check of some sort.
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2004-10-06, 9:53 PM #4
Thanks for clearing that up for me.
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