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ForumsCog Forum → Cave Climbers!
Cave Climbers!
2004-10-11, 6:01 AM #1
Grismath here again, with a concept that I have yet to test.

I'm thinking of making a side-scrolling Ice Climbers-esque challenge sequence in Life of Grismath 03, where Grismath must scale a cliff while the tide is rising. If Grismath leaves the view of the first person camera that is going upward, then, he dies.

How might I go about accomplishing this? A quck pulse that checks to see if the plaer has LOS on... himself? IS there any way to do this that organically, with a camera moving upward between several frames going increasingly more quickly?
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2004-10-11, 11:35 AM #2
There should actually be a rather simple way to do this, I think. It would require a bit of work. I should mention I have no idea if I'm doing this even right, but, rough psuedocode for ya...

CreateThing(ghost, player- '0 -2 0');

lVec = GetThingLVec(ghost);
VectorGhostPlayer = VectorSub(GetThingPos(ghost), GetThingPos(player));

if(VectorDot(lVec,VectorGhostPlayer) < 0.26625){
DamageThing(player, 1000);

The vector dot value I have no idea if it is right. 0.26625 should be the relative angle from middle of screen to bottom, based on fov, at least, lol. Anyways, I'm guessing on that. But yeah, create a ghost to be the camera, set it to two frames I imagine, so it moves at a smooth speed, going up, and if the angle between the ghost and the player is too great (ie, he's off screen, (you may want to check ...) Hmm. Another idea. Instead of angle, just compare the VectorZ(GetThingPos(player)), and that of the ghost. If > than a certain number, kill the player, or whatever. You'd have to test for the distance, but it'd work.
_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
2004-10-12, 3:56 AM #3
The second idea sounds best.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.

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