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ForumsCog Forum → square root
square root
2004-10-13, 5:09 PM #1
Due to a current lack of square root code around massassi (as far as I can tell). I decided to give you my temporary version until my math teacher can get me the actual formula.
# Jedi Knight Cog Script
# square_root.cog
# Finds the Square root of a number, rootme.
# SG-fan

	message	activated
	surface	button
	flex		a		local
	flex		b		local
	flex		answer		local
	flex		rootme			//number to be rooted

call sqrt;

for(a=0; rootme-a*a>=0; a=a+1)

Feel free to use the code however you see fit, but please credit me somehow.

[edit] Just so you know, I put in the call message so that it would be easilly accessed by ANYTHING (you can call it from anywhere). [/edit]
[edit2] I forgot to mention, it works for roughly 4 decimals [/edit2]
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
2004-10-13, 5:19 PM #2
wouldn't it just be easier if you put the number to a power of a half?
2004-10-13, 5:45 PM #3
I don't know of a way to put a number to a power in JK/MOTS. If you do, please enlighten me.

[edit] Wow, I can't believe I missed it. I did about 15 different test searching for an exponential function before looking up this code, with no avail. After reading your post it hit me. I forgot to try Pow(num, power). I feel really dumb now. [/edit]
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"

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