I"m have an auto gun- it fires auto aiming conc bullets if an enemy is in line of sight. If the current distance is less than x,
it fires secondary weap_conc projectile. I had it working in weap_conc.cog, and I want to put it in force_pull, where I could toggle it on and off. The code I'm working with is in Timer and Pulse, in the attached cog. So to explain it better,
1. Weap_Concrifle Primary and Secondary Fire normally when fired.
2. When a toggle in force_pull is ON, it scans for enemies in Line of Sight, and Fires an autoaiming concbullet at the enemy. (If Curdist<X, it fires secondary so no splash damage)
And in timer,
I figure this might be a little difficult to do. But I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me, let me know if you need to know anything else.
[EDIT: Forum dosent wrap it for some reason....?:(
I"m have an auto gun- it fires auto aiming conc bullets if an enemy is in line of sight. If the current distance is less than x,
it fires secondary weap_conc projectile. I had it working in weap_conc.cog, and I want to put it in force_pull, where I could toggle it on and off. The code I'm working with is in Timer and Pulse, in the attached cog. So to explain it better,
1. Weap_Concrifle Primary and Secondary Fire normally when fired.
2. When a toggle in force_pull is ON, it scans for enemies in Line of Sight, and Fires an autoaiming concbullet at the enemy. (If Curdist<X, it fires secondary so no splash damage)
// The Auto Gun Begins... pulse: if(GetThingHealth(player) <= 0) { Return; } potential = FirstThingInView(player, 45, 50, 0x404); curdist = VectorDist(GetThingPos(player), GetThingPos(potential)); target = -1; while(potential != -1) { if(HasLOS(player, potential) && potential != player && VectorDist(GetThingPos(potential), GetThingPos(player)) <= curdist && !(GetThingFlags(potential) & 0x200)) { target = potential; curdist = VectorDist(GetThingPos(player), GetThingPos(potential)); } potential = NextThingInView(); } if(target != -1) { if(curdist < 1.0) mode = 1; else mode = 0; if(mode == 0) { shot = projectile; } else { shot = projectile3; } dummy = FireProjectile(player, shot, fireSound, 18, '0.0 0.0 0.0', '0 0 0', 1.0, 0x20, autoAimFOV, autoAimMaxDist); vel = VectorLen(GetThingVel(dummy)); SetThingLook(dummy, VectorSub(GetThingPos(target), GetThingPos(player))); SetThingVel(dummy, VectorScale(GetThingLVec(dummy), vel)); // Provide a kick backwards ApplyForce(player, VectorScale(GetThingLVec(player), -80)); powerBoost = GetInv(player, 63); SetTimerEx(fireWait / powerBoost, 10, 0, 0); DeactivateWeapon(player, mode); SetPulse(0); } else Return;
And in timer,
if(GetSenderID() == 2) StopKey(player, holsterTrack, 0.0); if(GetSenderID() == 10) SetPulse(0.1);
I figure this might be a little difficult to do. But I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me, let me know if you need to know anything else.
[EDIT: Forum dosent wrap it for some reason....?:(